XIV Shadowbringers is the single best MMO story of all time and is the best Final Fantasy story since IX

XIV Shadowbringers is the single best MMO story of all time and is the best Final Fantasy story since IX

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It's literally the single best game of all time. Give it the credit it deserves


Wait, is it that good? I've always thought of MMORPGs as too grindy and if you are not always farming or lvling up you get left behind pretty hard.

You are the most insufferable fanbase I've ever seen in any video game, and probably do more to drive people away from your game than you do anything else.

Eat a dick

Is this little nigga ever going to be relevant in MSQ? His text updated after we killed Elidibus but nothing else has changed

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That is only the retarded part of the fanbase. Every game has it so stop being a retard.

>You are the most insufferable fanbase I've ever seen in any video game

I know you were born in 2002 because Sonic Fanbase, Pokemon, Fortnite are the fucking shithole of video games.

It's a fucking amazing game. You play at your own pace and there's no grinding or farming required. And for casual play there's always a catch up mechanic or update to get you ready to play with everyone. There's a no man left behind design so anyone can experience anything without restrictions. Don't listen to trolls like 521326934. They just hate the game kind of like how Fall Guys threads have people upset it's more popular than their favorite game.

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