What will you spend your second Stimulus check on?
What did you spend your fist stimulus check on?
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU with the next check.
What will you spend your second Stimulus check on?
What did you spend your fist stimulus check on?
I'm thinking of upgrading my GPU with the next check.
I'll be using it to pay critical bills and savings.
i would actually really like to know if we is getting a second stimulus check.
It goes to my savings to prepare for these uncertain times. My $80 laptop still works fine for vidya.
I put a decent chunk of my Coronas towards a decent PC ( my first build ) and a 1440p 144hz monitor. I probably should have waited for the new GPUs ( got a 2070 S ) but fuck it, I was bored and wanted something now.
>it’s real
The absolute state of niggers
>got laid off because of memerona
>didn't even get the first check
haha ebin
Probably saving it again so I can move out of this fucking place away from my mentally/verbally abusive father.
Alreadt have 10k saved.
do americans really
probably nothing my pc is good enough for what it is especially now that i finally entered 2012 and bought 2 1440p 144hz monitors with the last check and i already have a switch and don't want any other console. maybe i'll buy tokyo mirage sessions or something
what? print money and spend frivolously? you mean just like all other governments?
>missed the first check even though I was eligible because the IRS fucked up my taxes
>they finally send me a letter six months after filing asking for more information
>just sent it off but probably won't be sorted out for another couple months at least
>might not even have it sorted out by the time the next stimulus check gets sent out
My stimulus check I used to pay rent and back bills, but the extra $600/wk in unemployment I used to get a Valve Index.
Fuck you OP.
Fuck you till your asshole bleeds you death.
it's the same with "are we getting" and "will we get"
Ah yes the good old government tactic of "take so fucking long that you hope the individual in question either forgets or gives up out of frustration". Took the VA 12 fucking years to finally get my dad's benefits in order.
forgot pic
PS5 if it promises.
I'm getting a new apartment after September so I'd probably spend it on a new chair
>call any government affiliated organization (USPS/IRS/DMV etc) to troubleshoot a problem
>immediately greeted by a nigger snapping gum "uhhh dis is da internashanul revenue servuhses what is yous problem?"
So is we getting a second check? Or as niggers say: Are we getting a second check?
I still haven't spent my first one since i wasn't paying attention.
since depositing it or cashing it requires a current id and because of covid my appointment to get that is still months away!
most government workers are retarded, people at va are completely missing their brains
absolutely nothing
RTX 3090, and a new chair
if trump just make an executive order to give everyone even just $500 he wins the election because right now senates out for another month
did they even send one, i thought they were on a stalemate on negotiations
bold of you to assume the 3090 will be less than $1200
>dems delayed it until vacation
>now a month break
>doing everything they can to push the check to after the election
Fucking had this shit
now try and google "white american family" :^)
>So is we getting a second check?
No because dems won't okay it unless the package also includes mail in voting that doesn't require any form of ID verification, and unsolicited ballots mailed to everyone.
the stalemate was for proper aid that wasn't just pretending that corona-chan would go away after a couple weeks
>didn't get the first stimulus check
>grocery store employee so I worked the whole time too
>could have made 3x as much on unemployment
>say the n word
>hate jews
Zig Forums is full of black people?
imagine being this afraid of losing
>can't decide if I should upgrade my rig or get a new mouse/keyboard/headset
saving for the eventual house market crash so i can own my bachelor pad
i came here to post something similar to this
i'm so mad i should have quit and now we're 5 months into this bullshit
like its so simple. which ever party, just give people money. you can easily buy the votes which would be a relative drop in the bucket with all the other trillions of bailout money, and then go right back to fucking everyone in the ass after the election.