Why is she such a cunt?
Why is she such a cunt?
she's crabby because she's in heat
Shes never had sex
Knows being a scholar won't bring her true happiness but unable to accept it
Females of her species have adapted to feel the most fulfillment when being fucked by the chieftain of their tribe. Instead she spent her entire life learning how to be a mage and not how to suck dick...
I want to puff-puff Y'sthola
I quit between Heavensward and Stormblood, does Y'shtola ever develop a personality?
Don't talk to mom like that.
Im ShB, yes. She becomes a mother figure and threatens you with a good time if you call her your mom.
She's never had a penis inside her, let alone kids. She's wound so tight anything bigger than Krile's finger would injure her.
>She's wound so tight anything bigger than Krile's finger would injure her.
Lucky me
Feeling inadequate, Little Sun?
Everyone knows if Y'shtola hadn't turned Magnai down hard (a) he would have destroyed her uterus with his Inner Release and (b) Sadu would have murdered her.
The irony of that when she needs to be saved constantly over and over by WoL
Who doesn't?
>threatens you with a good time if you call her your mom
you're lying r-right? just started ShB
You call her mom in a joking way, and she says that she'll spank you (take you over her knee) and send you to bed without supper
Y'shtola looks like THAT!?
joking aside I found her helping you at least try to understand the asicans good shit. she helped you understand that shit and the bunnie quest was comfy. you also reveal to her you don't know if you did the right thing. She also the resident all right guys lets move along. I wonder if they'll reorganize the scions.
also no one said bye to the 1000 year old jungle bunnies I guess since they gave lyna her big lines at the ending I suppose
*try to reach an understanding with the ascians before you engage eledibus. basically helping you keep your promise to hades. based cat mommy.
I don't like alisaie being a fight nerd
Build for futa cock
because it makes my dick hard
Why does she string Runar along for so long Zig Forumsros? Like as soon as the WoL comes to the first she completely ignores him and at the end before she leaves she calls him a manchild, does she just want WoL cock that much?
because he was a good option when wol wasn't around but then the main course arrives and like alisaie she is forced to want you
As if she's not the one with the fat pent up cat dick
Is this what compulsion looks like?
>Magnai - Little sun
>Runar - Micro sun
It can't be helped.
slightly off topic but yshtola grabs urianger's ass or something at some point right? am i imagining that?
She is still one of the most consistent ways to cancel auto-abilities
bro what
Because the WoL hasn’t given her a good dicking since they met.
i swear to fucking god this happens at some point. i can vividly remember it happening in a cutscene but i can't remember when or where it happens.