Big bonk > any other kind of bonk

Big bonk > any other kind of bonk

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truth. stronk is all you need.

>stack all strength in game
>become the baddest summoner or powerful spell caster
PoE is a weird game.


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Honestly the reason I go strength in my first playthrough is that that's usually how the game was balanced and tested around.

Remember that 95% of players are casuals who barely understand games. So they do the majority of testing around "Human Male Warrior" archetype

Then second playthrough you play mage and see they haven't balanced the magic at all

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>be a 250 pound gigachad covered in muscles
>somehow this makes you shoot fireballs harder

Your body tissues requires the STR to be able to contain the pressure/heat buildup of the powerful spells within the body before it releases

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>Dex build
>cant do big damage
What's the fucking point?
>inb4 status effects
Fuck off no one wants that gay shit

>haha x go y

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Who's going to tell you that's not how it works? Those fucking NERDS won't do shit.

this seems plausable so i believe it

It's why in league I only play mordekaiser. Bonking fools with his mace is so fucking satisfying.
I dont give a shit if the enemy squishy is behind 4 tanks I'm just gonna ult him into the shadow realm and bonk him hard with my mace.

what's a good setup/build for heavy gear but with good mobility? I have yet to decide on str or dex for my primary damage stat, i'm lvl 15 and dumped all 14 points into vit so far and i'm using thrall axe for now because quickstep and i'm still 10str/10dex. I wanna be chonky and defensive but

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i thought the frames differed every 10%? Am I retarded?

lol post heide's tower of flame vs. lost izaleth pussy

Not in DaS3. In DaS2 your weight affected roll distance and I THINK stamina recovery but could be wrong it's been a long time since I bothered with that garbage

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those fireballs are pretty heavy, you need some strength to throw them

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well shiiiieeeettt I guess I'll just dump points into vit until my havels ring picks up the slack and saves me points. I wanna be under 30% with a ridiculously tanky gear setup

I like to put only just enough into STR and all of the rest into DEX to deliver F I N E B O N K S

sounds gay m8

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Acquire havel's ring

>separate chest and legs
Since when?

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>wojak cancer

psst here's the original version user before someone done that to it for some reason

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>that weapon
>all stats on sttenght
That's the lightest of the big clubs, it actually allows you to be creative with your stats

these defensive non-jokes are painfully unfunny and sad

Muscle wizards are a meme, also I can think of STR being useful for summoners to intimidate spirits into working for them