About to start my first BEX playthrough, once you get into the groove of the combo thing it made things a lot easier

About to start my first BEX playthrough, once you get into the groove of the combo thing it made things a lot easier.
Also this game is addicting as fuck

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if you manage BEX you can do impossible. Dont give in to food.

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I hope so, had a bit of trouble on Hell but overall I still managed to push through. Should be a fun playthrough, I also thought about combining the No hit achievements with the run cause my goal is to get all of the Cheevos. We'll see how it will turn out, I guess.

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Tfw finally the guy who always derails the threads isn't here but also no one else

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what's the hardest fight in the game

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Irisu for me, also had some trouble with Miru

Still waiting for the final DLC will be done.

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jesus man I barely scraped through post-game on normal
I can't imagine how insane BEX is

Fucking based. I’m playing Dead Cells right now, but as soon as I get done with BSC 5 in that game, I’m gonna hop back over to Rabi Rabi Island to do some more hammering.

Yeah, it’s brutal. I don’t know how anyone does it.

I kind of worked my way up when I picked up the game, started with normal then found out 0%items is a thing so I did that.
And after that Hard and then Hell, with some breaks inbetween to not get burned out on the game.

Nice, I had Dead Cells on my wishlist for a while but never picked it up cause I got burned out on Rogue-Likes, I'm feeling the itch though so might as well after the BEX playthrough.

post buns

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I think you’ll enjoy Dead Cells quite a bit. It’s got some really interesting systems in terms of upgrades, progression paths, and build choices that I think you’ll appreciate if you like Rabi Ribi. I’m pretty sure it’s on sale with the DLC for like $17 right now too.
Cute bun

game is being run on gdq in about half an hour

I really need to give this game an actual playthrough. It seems really fun but I'm always busy with other games.


Yeah, just saw the sale too and bought it, from what I heard of the game and saw, it's definitely something for me.

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>casual difficulty

Is it like Hollow Knight?

it's a metroidvania if that's what you're asking

Yes, I will play it then

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was a good run on sgdq

Game looks interesting but I’m put off by the pedophile artstyle.

tsk tsk tsk

Definitely SP Irisu, if you Cocoa-bomb her at the start to get her to a higher level.

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More like Rabi-Tranny

Have you considered a career in comedy?