>want to enjoy video games
>every game and franchise i like has gone to shit
>no news of any games being made that i'd like
>spend months desperately searching for something to play
>there is absolutely nothing on the market that i can enjoy
>have to admit that video games were just a distraction from my miserable life
Why do video games only cater to children and normies nowadays? No one wants to make a game that I'd like. I just want a nice game. But nobody makes good games anymore. All the games made nowadays are for brainless consumers who will buy anything. There's no quality, there's no fun, there are no games. Why bother living, just to watch everything you love be destroyed?
Want to enjoy video games
>want to enjoy videogames
>play a game I enjoy
>enjoy it
shut the fuck up
>consoomer consooms product
ok retard
What games did you like in the past?
get another hobby retard
You shouldn't be seeking meaning for your life in bing bing wahoo toys
Aww poor consoomer. Did they put a woman or a minority in your game and you can't play it any more?
>every video game is a bing bing wahoo toy
cringe but also based
This. I recently got into cooking and I already fucking love it. Why eat instant ramen and hot dogs all day when you can go to your oven, mix some shit together and boom you have one of these to eat now.
>shut the fuck up
>posts wojaks when he has no argument
do something else then instead of "spending months" to find game.
i'd recommend playing the little mermaid for the nes but that's probably too hard for you
>enjoys smth
>vomits in a pan and calls it food
I bet you're banned from /ck/ too
Evident bait. Go ask your mom for some more hot pockets.
Not that guy, but why does someone have to convince others that they're enjoying video games?
Fun isn't strictly rational.
What games do you like, user?
>making bing bing foods
I can give you some recommendations if you tell me what you liked before unless this is bait
This is why you have to become a radical leftist and try to destroy capitalism, OP.
Just play old games you huge fag. There will be lots you haven’t played, and they are high quality due to the competition that was out there at the time.
I had a bit of a drought until I received a mini SNES and I tried out old games like Earthbound, Secret of Mana that I’d always meant to play and had a great time with all of them. PC games are the same too. All my favourites are in the 1990-2004 range and that range is full of games I’m yet to play.
Usually these two genres but sometimes I'd try out other things or play whatever my friends are playing but I don't have friends anymore
>have to admit that video games were just a distraction from my miserable life
Have you considered the fact that you're a joyless depressed cynic is the primary issue and not
>nobody makes good games anymore
Either start working out and get a job or kys faggot
that`s illegal!
FFXIV and Classic are there for you. Also that upcoming MMO from Amazon.
Doom Eternal just came out, boomer shooters have a renaissance and even in multiplayer you have indies like Hell Let Loose filling the gap that AAA left.
MMOs suck man, what’s wrong with you. I thought they were good as a kid because it’s a huge dopamine treadmill but they are shitty games inhabited by shitty people. Look at WoW Classic for a great example of tryhard assholes, then FF14 as example of tranny pedophiles psychos. That’s the genre, those are the only people you’ll ever meet. Deviants and the bullied who want to be the bully in the game.
>claims that games are fine but posts a tranny game while reddit spacing from a phone
cringe bait
kotor 1 and 2
deus ex
doom eternal
fallout new vegas
stalker SoC
system shock 1 and 2
titanfall 2
are just some off the top of my head
Looks good user! Keep it up
post your cooking
Working out is more fun and rewarding than videogames. I wish I didn’t have to rest and could work out every single day
Now tell me to dilate, that will sure show me!
>but I don't have friends anymore
And now we have diagnosed the actual problem for why you are sad and angry and unable to have fun. Humans aren't mentally capable of not having friends, it will drive you insane.