Gameplay > Graphics > Story

Gameplay > Graphics > Story

Attached: 1595602704381.png (368x618, 298.13K)

donald duck > animeshit

tummy > thighs > ass > tits

belly too small

Gameplay>Story=Music=Characters=Art Style=Performance>>Graphics

OP, go jerk off already.

She needs a BBC between her tits

Starting to get tired seeing this bitch everywhere

tits too big

Back bobbi>all

Attached: EfZORNFXoAAxIC_.jpg (2048x945, 177.59K)

Maybe if you are twelve years old. The superior mature adult plays video games purely for the story and characters. Games that put gameplay first are toys for babies.

Story is the worst thing to rely on in a videogame
In a mere moment I could absolutely spoil a videogame you intend to play, and look what you have after? Nothing.
I spoiled MGS1 for myself years ago, well it probably came naturally because the game is 22 years old.
However, I played it recently and the gameplay was awesome and I enjoyed every bit of it.
No part of the story was new to me. And yet, it was a great game.

I don't think he would like that

Attached: BBC.jpg (700x666, 169.93K)

Fuckin based.


Why does that guy have huge tits?

Dangerously based

Back to /gif/.

Try again, Neil.

Tell Twitter and ResetEra to stop bitching about her, then.


Attached: Uzaki.jpg (1000x1422, 121.29K)

Attached: thumb.png (720x644, 30.61K)

How could one shitty slice of life comedy series piss Zig Forums so much they want to redesign her? Is this the result of liking moe anime so much in their life they can't adapt to Uzaki?

Attached: 110858.jpg (800x450, 254.55K)

>It doesn't matter if I have fun playing the game. Just so long as my anime characters have fun on their adventure.

Fuck off incel

Doesn't that kind of show that video games are superior to movies in some way? If I get spoiled on The Sixth Sense then the movie is unwatchable. If I spoil the twist of Joker then the movie is unwatchable and boring. Video games still have that - you know, game part they they rely on.

So is it a tranny or just a cross dressing guy who got implants? I don't get it.

this is Zig Forums

>those hips
You wish, tranny.


Tits too big

Just give it time, Everyone will forgot this anime even exist the only atractive is that has the waifu of the month and nothing else

I don't watch anime. I just think OP is really horny.

Because Twitter and ResetEra have never heard of shortstacks.

Oh wow, it only took 23 posts for ad hominems to start being thrown.

At least Donald Duck has videogames

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this character pisses off the ameritrannies so much it's not even funny

lmao anime is all it takes to trigger you, how sad

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Worse Nagatoro

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>waifu of the month
Dumb newfag.

Anime moms > anime teens


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