How do you rage Zig Forums? What is the most cruel thing you have done or said while in game to others?

How do you rage Zig Forums? What is the most cruel thing you have done or said while in game to others?

Attached: charlie.gif (260x390, 649.52K)

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i just alt+f4

ur mum u gaylord pedo furry lmfao

Go back to jerking off.

Something along the lines of "You fucking cocksucker nigger jew, I hope your dad gets aids so he'll pass it along when he buttfucks you tonight you fucking faggot"

I play without a mic

Attached: praiseTheFinger.png (1024x576, 470.94K)

>Tranny Motel

Attached: 1576175262468.png (955x1012, 447.03K)

literally just "fuck you" when some guy stole my in game weapon

I have a filter, so I don't.

I once got a rare mount drop in WoW and deleted in front of some annoying Bulgarian kid in my guild because he couldn't type coherently.

vidya girls with outfit like these?

Attached: Cindy.jpg (360x360, 11.87K)