Which game's ending is best described by this scene?

Which game's ending is best described by this scene?

Attached: 1HWQIPa.gif (480x270, 3.46M)

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Dark souls probably


hard cut to credits song

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Portal 1.
Can't believe she just sends you into a fire. :/

Sega Rally for the energy.
Rtype Final for the realization it's all for nothing.

KS manly picnic

Red Dead Redemption

Far Cry 2
Spec Ops

Ghosts and Goblins

Any game where you have to go out of your way to get the bad ending

VTMB if you open it

Divinity 2, the bad one

>no one said Mass Effect 3 yet

Why are people so against the idea of not having a happy ending?

Real life sucks enough.


There is a difference between a bad and fuck you ending


Rogue Galaxy.

OP, you reminded me of this ol' remix youtube.com/watch?v=F9gRzmCf1EI and I give you an internet for it.

Care to show some differences?

Bad ending
Silent Hill 2
Fuck you Ending
Mass Effect 3

Tales of Xillia 2 if you don't get any of the joke endings or the best ending

Takeshi's Challenge

a bad ending is when even though the main character tried, he failed, and the bad guy wins in some way. Or he wins, but at a heavy cost, making it phyricc.

A Fuck you ending is when despite everything lining up, the game just cheaps out and says nothing mattered, or just doesn't show you all the resolution you wanted to see, either because of budget reasons, or reasons only known to the developers.

While ME3's original ending was the fuck you type, it has been fixed with that free dlc that gives proper resolutions, and a bonus "pick nothing" ending. But it was already too late, and people still think poorly on ME3 for it.

And Dream Drop Distance. Highest tier bullshit that Sora didn't get named a master despite being the one to actually complete the task they were sent to do.

Why are people so opposed to the idea of having a happy ending? Everything has a tragic ending, or at the very least a bittersweet one, and it's predictable as fuck. It's not an interesting twist to see that character die, or that other character betray you, or discover that you were the real evil, or whatever bullshit. Because everyone's doing it. You see it coming a mile away. People view happy endings as cliche, so they try to go for something shocking and ironically end up copying everyone else and being less original than the cliche they wanted to avoid.
It's exactly like female characters in games nowadays. Everyone wants to make female characters for woke points and because they think it's contrary to the popular male protagonist. They have views of what a typical female character is, and try to subvert those expectation. The result? The same exact character copy/pasted across a million different games. Think of all the recent game trailers which featured female protagonists. How many times did they look really frustrated and/or let out an enraged scream?
That's what happens when you spend all your effort on being a unique snowflake rather than making something good. It's hilarious how people desperately want to be original to the point where they become even more generic. Yet pseudo-intellectuals are too scared of looking basic to notice when their idea of what's popular/unique is completely flipped around.

Attached: angrygamewomanface8092.jpg (480x360, 15.57K)

Blasphemous True Ending
