Attached: occultic-nine-543157.1.jpg (1500x1500, 324.51K)

Why don't we get more cover art focusing on the ass

Aren't japanese school uniforms custom made so that the shirt doesn't get stretched by the boobs like that?

Putting tits full front on the cover is already pretty low, asses would be the bottom (eh).

>QUALITY - The Cover

Her show felt boring and rushed.

Attached: 1476037909259.webm (850x478, 960.04K)

Anime is fucking retarded.

I want this on Switch despite hearing that it's crap.
I like big fucking anime titties.

This thread is for heterosexual MEN only.

Anime is awesome.

Attached: image.jpg (768x576, 122.24K)

Right, because sitting at home in your mid-20s jerking off to cartoons, that's what MANLY men do.

Lmao you are so lost.

Aika gets a pass for being ironic.

She's a big girl

Attached: 1595695510782.webm (960x540, 1.32M)

Haven't watched Aika since i was fucking 10

Is passionlip the only chounyuu in mainstream games?

reminder that she's 16 and you're all going to jail

Is this VN any good or is Steins;Gate the only worthwhile VN from them still?

What a hag

16yrs old is enough in my country


seething amerimutt.

What’s not manly about jerking off to cartoons as a healthy adult male? Please, explain


It's the behavior of a timid homosexual either too scared or incompetent to go outside and make things happen.

Attached: 2.jpg (540x571, 139.98K)

>heterosexual means MANLY
you're telling me a trans faggot is more manly than you?

I love Japan period

>tfw only know about this titcow because of /e/'s ongoing autistic efforts to identify and categorize all huge to gigantic breasts in anime/manga/games
How can one board be so based?

Only the tranny brain could come to such a conclusion.


No one who spends all day jerking off to anime girls on Zig Forums is healthy or a adult and definitely not a man


What a bunch of chads.

how about if i only spend my evenings doing that


so what’s the deal with that pic

where do you think you are?

Japan is too based for this rotten world.

Attached: CuVZ3xiUMAA4PNC.jpg (500x707, 103.5K)

2009 was 11 years ago.

Attached: girugamesh.jpg (898x506, 38.71K)

>catty, gay, sarcastic remark
>using "lmao"
>giving something a pass for irony
Thanks for dropping by normalfag, unfortunately I don't think this website is the right one for you. Consider going back to Twitter or Instagram.

this anatomy is thoroughly unappealing

I wish I did, but they release less and less games that appeal to me.
Smartphone garbage is an instant heard pass for me and their AAA console games might as well be western games.

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I'm staying right here. What are you going to do about that, hmm?

for me

this, Zig Forums is for the special needs not the normies