
Attached: Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 3.04.23 PM.png (915x687, 649.99K)

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Isnt Silksong a timed exclusive atleast? And wasnt the vast majority of titles in the last State of Play multiplat indies that got onto the PS4 dead last?

It's been 0 days since a snoyboy cried about Nintendo.

>console wars have gotten so weak that people are literally bragging about timed """exclusives""" now

Some the best games I've played in the past decade have been indies.

And these games are perfect for Switch.

Who the fuck sits at a desk to play Streets Of Rage 4?

Yeah its pretty pathetic when snoys bragged that FF7R and Nioh 2 were timed exclusives

I posted it on the Nintendo Switch board and

Attached: Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 3.28.35 PM.png (1182x721, 145.51K)

Aren't snoy's entire ps5 launch line up timed exclusives?

OP never mentioned Sony retards, why are you so obsessed?

Imagine instantly thinking Nintendo hate = Sony. Mentally ill creatures.

this spongebob picture is so fucking funny