What do you think of Poison?
What do you think of Poison?
fpbp, /thread
cool so long as she's not a tranny
cool so long as she's a futanari and the father(female) of Chun-Li's children
Faggot tranny. Go back to discord.
I masterbate to her without a dick.
Hips and jawline say she's not.
Look at those man hands
Literally perfect, amazed how she's been a porn idol for decades now.
I love her, she's my wife, and she plows my ass with her girthy, ten-inch girlcock every night.
He looks hot
They're not man-hands within the context of SF. All the women there have manhands, and the men have gorillahands
*ring* *ring*
let him(him) believe, it's very important to his(his) identity
doe she have a red bush too?
He either has a penis or dilates and has a festering rotting hole between his legs that smells of decay.
>Hate trans people
>Spend your entire waking existence thinking about them
Have you considered not being bumfucking retarded?
>trans instead of tranny
>Gets triggered if people don't use babyspeak
What about any of that had to do with hating trannies?
The part where if you hate them so much, why do you spend your entire life making yourself miserable by seething over them?
That didn't answer the question at all. You just made two different assumptions.
She's a cool character who can hold her own. The fact they keep bring her back over someone like makoto shows how popular she is.
It completely answered the question. You're just illiterate.
Nigga, you gay.
>how did that imply anyone hates trannies
I wish I could get plowed by Poison.
>No no, this guy actually loves trannies, you just don't get it
Deliberately acting retarded then, ok. Bye bye retard.
American disease infecting games since ancient times.
I think about sucking and getting fucked by her big futa cock pretty often.
i want to give her a reach around
Big futa cock
I like the character's design but I don't fap because I never know for certain if its a genuine woman or a tranny/trap or whatever.
>Every thread one of you faggots takes the bait
> "No u"
Off yourself
I want to find that doujin where she's a woman and gets impregnated by a futa because that's the good shit right there
this but a little deeper in regard to what the character symbolizes - degenerate propaganda
Same, preferably bareback and paranoid about it after the fact.
id think more of her if she had some quality sfm