Zelda art thread

Zelda art thread

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Attached: __nabooru_and_iron_knuckle_the_legend_of_zelda_and_1_more_drawn_by_leporidae_mortis__ad3a69afaf72769189033989063832bd.jpg (1200x666, 182.92K)

I bought this game like 3 years ago or something, and Ive barely played it. the last zelda I beat was majoras mask, should I buckle down and play it?

I swear there was a image set of BotW Zelda and Link living in his home together. And I could never find it again.

you should kill yourself, faggot

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Big fan of these casual-wear type pieces.

Attached: __princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_drawn_by_calilo__2300ea1b3afa8f42e8b850a9f8a16a0c.jpg (3917x4096, 1.03M)

From experience short hair girls are a sign of possible mental illness.

Attached: e88d0325-d0ee-43aa-89cd-ac6e59816c30.png (1117x1600, 2.23M)

any requests? im bored

From experience, you're a stupid bitch.


Attached: __princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_and_2_more_drawn_by_tomas_kaosu22__33cb021fbeb631a963fa68acd7ec26d5.jpg (1272x1741, 479.82K)

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What a retarded assessment.

Drew this years ago with a mouse, felt like I'd share it for once.

Attached: Saria 5.png (1659x918, 644K)


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Attached: __link_navi_and_malon_the_legend_of_zelda_and_1_more_drawn_by_rah_bop__a53cf03da1e903e33d614594f3b7daee.jpg (750x617, 73.15K)

thats pretty good

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ST Zelda giving Link an I CHOO-CHOO-CHOOSE YOU Valentine

This took me way to long. I fucking forgot someone sticks a dumb cow in your tree home.

Thanks, it was just based on some of the artwork as reference, rather than its own thing. I really ought to redraw some of it or more Zelda art honestly.

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Attached: taste_like_grandma_by_warningyou-d6duqzf.jpg (1024x1489, 243.8K)

For some reason the Penis Inspection Day pic wont load, so instead you get this.

Attached: sample-53ac17e1bb9e95802ada151b9203bd12.jpg (882x1000, 197.06K)

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I feel as though my copy of BotW was different from everyone. I honestly don't know where people got the impression that their relationship was anything like this.

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Attached: D_AmtdjUYAAHkbM.png (610x862, 848.78K)

It was. Link was a doting knight trying to fulfill his duty, whereas Zelda looked at him with contempt because he was fulfulling his destiny by essentially existing, while her entire life she had to actually work for it rather than trying a new method. She was insecure, hateful, and outright ungrateful most of the time. But as she got to see more of the world and actually escape the confines of her cage and be free, she opened up more and more, while also seeing that Link was constantly in far more danger than she ever was to a point of recklessness at times.

That picture very clearly shows that she has uncaring contempt in her eyes, despite Link's duty to protect and treat her as the royalty she is. Its actually a pretty nice relationship that you can see grow and the characters slowly change for as little as we actually got and how out of order things were.

Attached: 1581006792151.jpg (960x540, 139.86K)

Eh, I don't see the harm in letting people have their fun.
It's like people making OoT Link and Malon art by the bucketload, players like to fill in the gaps provided by the game

Attached: __link_young_link_and_navi_the_legend_of_zelda_and_1_more_drawn_by_kmkr__096cc4959dc4586701674cc7a1eab026.png (800x800, 998.45K)