
>not playing with Japanese audio and subtitles

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I don't have Japanese subtitles

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black and white filter is top kino

I actually like the look of Traveler Attire, especially the all black or all white dye for it.

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I don't play shovelware.

I couldn’t imagine playing this with the English VAs, I assume it sounds pretty corny. Everything sounds absolutely badass with the Japanese VAs

when I found the subtitles were different from spoken dialogue I changed it back to english

>having to glance down constantly to see what every bit of dialogue is as you try to parry, dodge, and fight multiple enemies at once, also not paying full attention to the atmosphere and detail of landscape

Why? It's not a Japanese game.

The English lip sync drives me crazy, you get the dub experience even with what's ostensibly the original language. Still playing in nip with subs though

>Game is clearly designed to be played in English
>Weebs try to cope by having it in their precious anime language
Oh I'm laffin

Under your logic, you might aswell play The Witcher in polish

why it does looks worse than moded skyrim?
is like seeing a diorama with ultra realistics characters.

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consoles are kind of weak

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Not OP, just a random oldfag. Wanna rate my pictures Zig Forums? I'm really into the photo mode in this game.

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Original language is English.


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The English VA is surprisingly good, mainly because they got actual Japanese/Asian VAs to do it so they have accents.


I really liked the way this one came out.

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it's very good.


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What a pretty game. I hope photo modes like this become more prevalent in high budget triple A titles.

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Read faster


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Most of the textures aren't great compared to what modded PC games can handle. The game looks terrific, but that has more to do with the lighting, weather effects, and generally kino design. Photo mode is fun and you can get good looking shots sometimes, but it's hard to do justice to what the game looks like in motion


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I tried to do some different stuff as I got further into the game. Jin doing samurai shit is cool, but there's a lot more to focus on as well.

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This might be my favorite close up. Masako was pretty decent, but I feel like hers was a little flat.

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>>not playing

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This was ok too actually. I definitely feel like my pictures got better the more I took.

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>based anons always spamming screenshots in generals
>implying it isnt a screenshot simulator

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That's it. Basically done with the game, but had a blast with it. Lmao at this final one.

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PC when?

English voices are canon. That's why they're the mocap artists.

>free 2 player co-op and 4 player wave based survival dlc
>last of us 2 still has no multiplayer despite the tacked on multiplayer in the first being better than the single player

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>not playing with japanese audio without subtitles
disgusting weaboo, at least put some effort and learn the language

Lol, good stuff user
Sneaky monke

The Nip localizers are pretty based for managing to translate silly gaijin-assumed Nip names and terms to proper samurai speak. It's the reason why the Nip dialogue drastically differs from the English subtitles.