2070 super bros

2070 super bros...

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i was considering getting this but I've been told I should wait until next month for the 3000 series

I have this. should i be worried?

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it runs my windows 7 aero really nice


i still have my 1080ti. Is the upgrade to this or a 2080ti worth it?

Nvidias new cards literally launch next month, you would have to be a moron to buy a Turing card at the End of it's life.

>literally launch next month

Did they announce this yet or is it still hear-say

GTX 1070 bros...
how are ya holding up?

Attached: Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1.png (1000x1000, 127.8K)

i got a 2060 super. is there really much of a difference?

They announce the cards on the 1st of September, then launch them 7-10 days later.

Fantastic. Got my coronabux all lined up for a 3090ti super edition. Still no price announcements?

I've never bought a founders edition in my life but I might finally break down and get one.

A Chinese board partner (Colourful) leaked the price of their 3090 third-party skus. They're around 2000$USD. You're probably better off getting the 3080.

still running everything 1080p@144hz

>waiting for 3000 series
>when 4000 series is just around the corner


Might as well wait the two weeks to see if their new cards are worth it.

How much is the 3070 gonna be?
Is it gonna be worth it

Oh shit, 2k? Thats pretty goddamn pricey. Might wait then for aftermarket ones that come with better cooling and clocking or get a 3080. I mean shit 3080 is going to blow everything out of the goddamn water anyways.

should I sell my 2080 ti now or wait until the announcement? they're still up for 1000+ bucks

4K is still a meme.

All new turbo graphics cards are only meant for 4K.

Stick with 1080p kids and all you need is a GTX 1660 to reach 70+ fps at ultra on every game you play.

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sell it to some schmuck that's out of the loop, try to recoup as much as you can


I can but I want to know if I can afford the next new cards. 1000 might not be enough for something better than a 2080 ti. It's a dilemma that I have to fight

I went for 1080Ti instead of being a 2070Ser

Enjoy waiting for the sold out button to appear because of bots spamming buy

Epic fucking fail my guy

I might upgrade mine to the 3k series equivalent if the performance boost is significant enough.

12% difference. not significant but very noticeable

Right. I have a 2080 super so im in no rush, just would be nice to have before Cyberpunk and other shit comes out.

Only 40+ inch screens are meant for 4K.

If you're gaming on 24 inches there's no need for anything more than 1080p. Did you know that the smaller the screen the smaller the pixels?

>needing to cope with being poor

and you'll like it

Attached: nvidia whir.png (960x640, 335.42K)

probably more disadvantaged in FPS for 4K, but for games that require spotting e.g War Thunder you may find use

Just get the 3060 instead.

It'll be around $300.

Never spend more than 300 on a card.

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Running things over 60 @1440p..
Have the TI but still surprised at the performance

would've made more sense a year ago

is hdr synonymous with 4k?

This though

anything over 24" is disadvantageous in any competitive game

I’m hoping that the 3070s will be good, so I can fantasize about finally building a PC, start saving for it, then have some bullshit pop up that drains my savings, then while saving up feel that I should wait for the next upgrade, then wait, then repeat the process for the another 3 years.
I’m so tired

not necessarily, you will find that alot of high end panels do share 4k and high-dynamic-range as specs but you don't have to have one to have the other.

Depends of the type of competitive game