Wassup bitches

wassup bitches

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Gearbox CAN'T write to save their lives. I hope we get another Tales from the Borderlands to fix the fuck up that was Shitlands 3

If we are lucky. But I doubt that is gonna happen any time soon.

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Cute boy

>3 people managed to be worse than Anthony Burch

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Post yfw she will be playable in 4

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sup bitches

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>tfw there even is a 4

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I'd rather play pic related.
Also, I'm pretty sure Gearbox realize how many people hate her. Her not showing up in any DLC so far is a good sign.

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it's crab warden here

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>I'm pretty sure Gearbox realize how many people hate her.
That's funny user, tell us another one. They made Lillith the biggest hero that everyone loves despite her being the one who ruined everything in TPS and 2

i wanna cuntpunt this little shit

I've only played 2.
I heard Maya gets killed in 3

Yes, 3 sold well. Cope moar.

Yes. Saving the little gremlin in OP's pic, actually, in a complete asspull that isn't even hinted at prior to then in the story. It's not a good death.

What's worse about that greentext is that not only can i actually see that being said by a Borderlands character but i can actually see that being said by more then one Borderlands character and even by a few Battleborn characters while we're at it

This is the big clue that gearbox doesn't and won't listen to fans.
Hell, what they did with Lilith is proof
As someone who has played every game in this series...you aren't wrong.
I'm glad to had gotten bl3 for free cause the writing is shit, both lore wise and characters.

I honestly expected her to be playable in 3 but she could also be playable in 4
Also, in an interview earlier this year, one of the writer said that they're gonna do more with Ava, have an entire DLC revolving around her, most likely the last DLC making her story the big send off for the game

Ok class welcome to sjw 101 todays lesson, how to ruin a game


the only thing that will save the games story is if Krieg actively shuns Ava and/or tries to kill her due to getting Maya killed. If krieg goes all "it's not your fault" I'll be pissed.

For anyone who doesn't understand the hate

Ava will kill Krieg too, just wait

whatchu got Zig Forums?
You got nothing

>It's not a good death.
think positively, now that she's dead randy can't ruin her any more.

why cant they just go back to one liners and quick office tier jokes there horrible and complex stories

Unless he retcons her backstory

but they fuck her over in 3

but he might ruin FL4K.
when they said he was a 'non-binary robot' i thought it was some sort of joke. no, they actually were fucking serious and gave out some warning to people misgendering them.

no seriously what the fuck were the thinking with her

Was 3s writing really worse than 2s? Gimme some highlights, some 'Sup!' level shit

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>gets all the credit for the previous games
>everyone sucks her off the entire game
>after losing her powers it becomes everyones motivation for revenge
>gets to be the big damn hero in the end
Yeah she really gets screwed over with her heroic death after being called the most important person in the games

Here you go, the worst part
I got this game for free, and even still I felt like I got robbed once I got to this part.

>horrible goblin in OP is told to stay on the ship
>comes down anyways because "VAULTS R COOL"
>gets predictably captured
>Maya dies because of that
>everyone agrees its totally not her fault

>>Character with the most recognizable design of the franchise.
>>Even used in the commercials youtu.be/ADDJKD-XoSU
>>Kill her off so a brat can take center stage.
>>Said brat doesn't even grow, she just complains and lashes out more at people after her death.

But you know what the stupidest part was? They didn't even turn the guy who killed her into the final boss, which they were strongly hinting at. Why do video games constantly put the villain you hate the most as a penulitmate boss instead of making the last boss cathartic?

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Look up the Calypso Twins.
Those are the main badguys of the game.
And they do not stop talking. Ever.

I am still mad

>>YFW they put that in the next Borderlands game, word for word.
Also, pic related. Bet you they will use "THEY FWAY NOA?!"

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>They didn't even turn the guy who killed her into the final boss, which they were strongly hinting at.
God holy shit is the ending the worst build up.
Notice the twins are starting to fight more, see troy growing a backbone, hints about how he can be his own guy. We should get a huge chapter about him separating and becoming the new boss.
But nope, we get a cliche trope about how they are children to another characters, follow by a cliche death, follow by death of troy that was just there to make the last boss fight be the "last boss fight" and then Lilith being a mary sue.

Like shit, who writes like this?

Important character die and nobody says anything or show any respect.
Awful character gets important character killed and never recognize it's her fault.
The vualt hunters are almost always irrelevant in the cutscenes and story, while in bl2 the story was centered on you almost always.

Is krieg in BL3? I haven’t played it but I liked him

You know what I bet happened?
>>Original plot, Troy kills Tyreen in a rage and builds him up as the final boss as intended.
>>Some female programmer "Um, that's sexist. Why does the man get to live on? Shouldn't the woman be the final boss?"
>>Numale programmer "Oh my god! I don't want to seem like a douche! I better change it!"

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mfw she comes back

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for the love of fuck why did they need 3 idiots to do a worse job than Burch
all they had to do one hire one person who worked on tales

The way they treat the old vault hunters is fucking infuriating. Mordecai and Brick are literally called the fucking B-team and are led around by Tina.
At least Mordecai got that birthday quest

>Awful character gets important character killed and never recognize it's her fault.
It honestly is this tedious trend in storytelling these days where people just can't have white women be introspective on their flaws. It's the Harley Quinn effect. Fuck, I see women online completely miss the point of Midsommer.

What race is that?

Also, who the fuck is waifuing Lilith so fucking hard that they turned her into Jean Grey?

I wouldn't be shocked.
The build up was there and then troy is all "lol, don't kill my sister. I need to die now. Bye"
My guess is diehard fans from the first game, back before she became a huge bitch.

Probably Randy, its been awhile since I played 2 but they had that shit going on in that one, where she ends up being made the leader if the raiders even after making every possible mistake