Impressions? Is it a fun little Soulslike worth 30 dollars? I want to wait for the physical copy to release before I buy it, but how does it seem so far?
Mortal Shell
it's literally not out yet
it's up on the uk psn store
still can't launch it yet
When does this shut unlock?
No preload?
>Planned Release Date: 2021
It was released today on PS4, Xbox and Epic Game store.
I played the beta for like 20 minutes then stopped because there's no healing items so it made the secret boss fucking hard as balls. It felt clunky as fuck too
I thought it felt alright, and that's something I'm usually pretty picky about. From what I remember the biggest problem was the camera movement, although it didn't take too long to adjust to it. Anyway it felt better to me than most indie Soulslikes, not that that's a high bar.
ew why even bother
still no crack, hasnt even released according to crackwatch
Nope, I play it on my PS4
>mortal shill
>no healing items
missed the concept of the game did you
>zweihander is yet again the best weapon
>you get a giant fuckoff ballista too
Seriously considering getting the game. Should I?
T H R E E H O U R S and 17 minutes into August the 18th and shit still isn't up for download!?
It's a budget arpg with 20 hours of content in it so pirate it first since Timmy has already paid for your copy
Is the melee satisfying?
idk looks pretty weighty to me
As budget souls like games go it's certainly the best so far.
Zweihander and fire mace throw enemies like fucking rag dolls
Mostly because it's actually got a new idea instead of just going "muh dark fantasy so hard game xD"
>thinking that doesn't mean its still epicshill
system doesn't change that they took the money
that new idea is
>no healing items so its even harder xD
that looks cool kek
You can turn to stone in combat and when you "die" you get barged out of your shell so you don't die. You can jump into your shell again or retreat.
the reloading animation is the best part about that weapon
how does the armor system work? do you just possess bodies? is fashion possible at all?
is there a torrent out already?
No, you just possess bodies and they are fixed
There's an all-rounder, a thief with shadow dodge, a mage who gains a shit ton of resolve for specials and a tank who gains a few unique special attacks
In 1.5h, if it doesn't have memenuvo