Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If a game doesn't have a good story it's not worth my time, doesn't matter how good the gameplay is that's not what I play video games for


stories are for books, read one

No, because Revengence absolutely slaps

Rising had a great story

Nothing wrong with God Hand's story and MGR's gameplay isn't good. Haven't played the other two.

Revengeance's story still creates discussions even today

God Hand is all-around trash that people here have been memeing as good like it's some sort of contrarian Zig Forums club card to show they arent a newfag for over a decade, MGR is a great game and the story knows it's pants on head and works with it, Just Cause is genericism digitised and given a grappling hook, and those Star Wars games are just as bland and boring as the source material.

Stories are for books, games and film.

Your bing bing wahoo skinnerboxes are for mentally deranged incels.


MGR's story is both iconic and unironically good

based retard

>get shitted on in last thread to high heavens
>oh hey lemme repost it

Spotted the snoyboy

zoomer really fell for the kojima is a hack meme


I thought god hand's gameplay was terrible, revolving around you doing dumb arena shit to unlock fun moves. Never played MGR.
Assuming that's just cause 3/4, sure. I thought the story in 2 was alright. Not winning any pulitzers but it was totally serviceable. not sure what schlock wars that 4th one is but I'm sure it's dogshit.

MGR & just cause stories are good



you must hate most video games considering even the most story heavy tend to have large gameplay segments breaking up the story.

Is this you?

Spotted the filtered brainlet

Go back to your cinematic walking sim, retard

nothing wrong with the force unleashed

>GAMEs are not meant for GAMEplay

remember when people almost religiously accused other sites of stealing content from here, like ebaums, neogaf, gaia and reddit?

Now look at you. Shamelessly stealing images and often full text from mega-popular subreddits and posting it here. Your ancestors would be ashamed.

As shit as Reddit is, at least they know MGR had great and memorable writing.

What a faggot opinion.

kys senpai

Only bad story here is Force Unleashed.

look who works at polygon.

on what way?

>good gameplay
nigga what the fuck am i looking at.

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This is accurate.

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nice bait

Clearly not OP's image.

porn without story doesn't turn me on

>Let's make a character who is stronger than Luke, Darth Vader and Palpatine combined! I am sure it wouldn't be hated by fans even tough it makes entire story of Luke and Darth Vader meaningless!
It's literally fanfic tier and I am glad it's not fucking canon now.

Depends. I don't think MGR had bad story it was just very comic and surreal as fuck. Same could probably be said of GodHand. Just because it reads like a saturday morning cartoon doesn't means its automatically bad. Just like how games made by Druckman are garbage stories masquerading with "mature themes" to try and force some invisible this must be good quality on you.

>no doom

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Then watch hentai.

Where is
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Demons Souls

They are also already sorted after quality from the worst to the best

t. retard who has never played a really good game before.

What a fag. Go back to playing a VN and fuck outta here

Bloodborne doesn't have a story user lol. Game literally never tells you it's story especially bummers considering the downgrade coming from Frampt and Monumental expositions.

he's not stronger than those in the game itself, you are confusing gameplay mechanics with the story

>starkiller's story for him and his clone was just suffering
>even when he is dead his mind is a constant whirlwind of thoughts.

Attached: sad.jpg (662x807, 121.33K)

He literally defeats all 3 of them in the game.

it was Lucas idea though, the original game was about a wookie rebellion, hes the one that decided to make a vader aprentice.
Also in no moment of the ot its stated that Luke, Palpatine and Vader are the biggest most powerful beings in the history of the galaxy.
Vader says destroying a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force, what we see Luke and Vader doing in the OT seems tame because those were real actors, they had real constraints, videogame characters do not.
Luke in Jedi Outcast was a beast for example because the game allowed to show his full power.