What game does this graph apply to?

what game does this graph apply to?

Attached: graph.png (764x473, 10.52K)

>mount gagazet seymour fight

I'd say Ornstein and Smough, mainly just because the game is not built for fighting two enemies at once.

Blighttown, except maybe move it a bet to the left
luv me some FUCKING 17 fps action and infinite 2/3 poison gauge-filling knive throws



Jak 2 drill platform turret mission on Hero Mode.

when you are getting your kraken club

Final fantasy tactics wiegraf zodiac fight

Doom 1. Piss easy until you reach the first two levels of Thy Flesh Consumed, which are literally plutonia-level difficult. After that, it goes back to being piss easy again.

It was Yunalesca that tore my asshole apart, I cruised past Seymour fine.


What, and Capra Demon isn't a problem? And O&S aren't that hard, just have a bigass shield and hide behind the column bases.

2hu 8

Vanilla Minecraft. Surviving is dirt easy. doing anything else (end dragon, wither, any of the good shit) is a chore.

mafia 1

if you know, you know

personaly I cruised through the end-game. Last hard boss was Seymour and Anima

Halo wars, the fourth map with the survivors escort

VVVVVVV during the escort mission


Capra has been a problem to many, but at least the dogs are one-shot

Human Revolution no kill runs, if you want to save the pilot

Attached: erbgerg.gif (480x270, 1.41M)

how are you so trash that its a chore?
farming wither skulls maybe, but you can very easily beat both the dragon and the ocean temple in under 2 hours, wither as well if you get lucky with drops

Metroid Fusion (the heckin plant scenario)

>capra demon
literally just use & abuse the stairs, how is he hard

Unironically Bug Fables, just move the spike a little closer to the middle.

Dark Souls 2 (pre-patch Shrine of Amana)

Preboss Is hard.
Final, not so much

Reisen was easier than Reimu

Getting 100% on every mission in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

A single game of NBA Jam, the arcade version at least. That 3rd quarter difficulty spike is just a storm you have to weather through and hope you don't fall too far behind for the 4th.

so who then?

pontiff was easy as FUCK on PC, idk how people have problems with him. I've heard he drops frames like hell on console but idk

O&S is the perfect gank fight. It’s not miserable if the fight is designed as well as O&S is.

Haven’t read the rest of the thread but the answer is Dark Souls.
Late game is piss easy compared to mid game.

DMD run for DMC5.
Final Urizen can go fuck right off.

>first playthrough
>loved pilot waifu
>thought it was a scripted death I couldn’t prevent but reloaded and tried to save her anyway
>actually save her
It’s a special kind of feel when a game lets you do shit that most other games would never allow you to do.