ITT: Games we can all agree hold up
ITT: Games we can all agree hold up
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Mario 3 beats the fuck out of this, why would you even play vanilla SMB in 2020?
>not 3d
>takes 10 minutes to beat
>uses 2 buttons
were people really impressed with this back then, or is it just a meme?
Neither of these qualify btw. They all aged like milk.
As for games that do hold up, I'd say Super Mario Bros. 3. Very impressive for a NES game.
ITT: OP is a faggot
It literally saved the video game industry you autistic zoomer.
You probably enjoy garbage non-games like Metroid or JRPGs.
Kill yourself you autistic redditor faggots.
that's like saying the model T holds up because it revolutionize the automobile. it doesn't, its a piece of shit and so is the original mario bros by today's standards. if you want to talk about a platformer that held up at least somewhat Sanic is a lot better in that regard. far easier on the eyes, far better music, far more complex level design, a difficulty curve that gives you something to master through repeated playthroughs.
>far more complex level design
Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone say hello.
Sure tranny.
>get hit
>collect all rings again
>get hit again
>collect a few rings
>get hit once more
>collect the last ring left
>get hit yet again
>collect that one ring again
>get hit one more time
>collect the ring
>get hit again
>collect the ring
Wow, amazing gameplay
Doom 2
Have you tried not getting hit?
sounds easy in practice but very few kids could beat sanic, you had to earn continues, explore for lives, wasn't nearly as simplistic as mario. even adults today can struggle with classic sanic if they don't git gud. anyone can beat the first mario. a glitch that makes it easy to farm infinite lives makes that even easier.
Pic related
Id argue that Doom has more consistent level quality, and the new additions in Doom II boil down to ‘strong enemies’ and one strong gun to kill them with
>Wow, amazing gameplay
Sonic is easy as fuck though, and that's a good thing. It's second only to Kirby for least challenging platformers.
what energy drinks are you on, just about everyone who reviews old sonic comments on its unforgiving difficulty and limited continues that carried on to sonic 2 and sonic CD making them brutal on a first playthrough.
Chrono Trigger, Suikoden II, Symphony of the Night, Super Metroid and most other sprite based games should never get a remake. They hold up better 25 years later than most 3D games released last year.
For anyone who is saying SMB1 doesn't hold up, youre just saying that because you didnt grow up with it
Also, yes its not as good as SMB3 and World, but does that mean its a bad game? I don't think so. Sometimes simple games are fun, like Wii Sports Resort. That's a simple game and yet, I loved it
>For anyone who is saying SMB1 doesn't hold up, youre just saying that because you didnt grow up with it
You're not exactly helping the argument. Saying it's based on nostalgia is the opposite of saying it held up.
However, I think it did hold up. Just like Zelda 1 is still one of the best Zelda games.
>unforgiving difficulty
See If you can beat Mario or DKC you should not have a problem with Sonic
They don't and they aged like absolute shit.
SMB3 aged better than any of those shitty games you mentioned and it's a fucking NES game.
I didn't grow up with SMB1 either, but it absolutely holds up. The fact SMB3 or other Mario games might be considered better doesn't mean the original isn't still great.
>16 bit game aged better than 8 bit game
no shit
having rings won't protect you from bottomless pits and stage structures that can crush you which there are tons of and you will die to a lot of them and be sent back to the beginning of the game because unlike mario and DK there's no unlimited continues or save states.
beat it in 10 minutes RIGHT NOW
sonic only uses one button
you can literally play it with an atari controller
devil may cry 2
>shows him getting crushed and a gameover in the video and moving on to the next game
way to prove how easy it is.
>have to use cheat codes for infinite continues
ultra lame