Was gonna buy the quest lite, but now I'll never purchase a Facebook product again.
Was gonna buy the quest lite, but now I'll never purchase a Facebook product again
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Which hmd do you have user?
>quest lite
The Quest is already bottom-tier VR how are they going to downgrade it further?
had it for about 3 weeks now after waiting 11 weeks for them to finally get it ready to ship
why exactly should i care about this as a Rift S owner
Facebook already tracks 98% of most peoples' online activity, even when logged out
what does this single drop mean in the swimming pool of spying Facebook already does
Well fuck Oculus then
>That ratio
Why the fuck would anyone like this
I don't have facebook
What do
>owning the jewdex
>laughing at other people
Not him, but anything is better than a fucking Oculus. Fucking idiot.
HTC Vive btw.
Ok Zucc
You have 2 choices: Vive or Index.
>sign into facebook to play demo games
Odyssey+ master race. How will Occufags cope?
>Index is bad
This is what bootleg wojak phoneposters actually believe
Oculus is owned by a literal jew who's actively destroying the world.
I am concerned about the invasiveness of social media. Twitter asks for your real phone number and Tinder recently started requiring you upload your drivers licence or passport to use their service. Shit is getting too far.
>using tinder
You will never find love
I don't use tinder. They ask you to give them a legal form of id like a passport. I was unwilling to give them that information.
What VR headsets are good for 4k porn
The marxist left wants real info to tie to wrongthink/wrongspeak made by your accounts
They want to be able to set the mob upon you and cancel you for any and every transgression, real or imagined, you might possibly commit against their cause.
None since none do 4k
Anyone who uses those sites is beyond retarded and arguably couldn't even be considered a human. They deserve all the Orwellian surveillance they receive.
clearly not intended for you
QUEST is for NORMAL people, not edgy gamer kids
>Tinder recently started requiring you upload your drivers licence or passport to use their service.
Is this real? Thats kinda fucked up
It's real
>The following are considered valid forms of ID and are accepted for age verification:
>Driver’s License
fail to see the problem
don't you need an account to use a console?
what about steam, how is that one okay?
Kill yourself and go back.
insanity. 10 years ago every website was telling you to not share your private info under any circumstances and now they want my fucking passport? fuck off
only creeps care that much for hiding their identity
something to hide user?