Any games for yurichads?

Any games for yurichads?

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they sold 18 million


Pathetic numbers

100% of people into yuri are trans

I'm diamonds

kys yourself, subh/u/man

>every time a yuri thread is posted it instantly turns into shitposting
Not sure what it is that makes faggots sperg out over two girls kissing. Is it the lack of dicks?

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fuck you're actually right the only people i know who obsess over yurishit are trannies

if that was true then the yuri community would have shrank by nearly half by now


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god I wish that were me

>I'm a pedophile
That's how I read OP's post.


Yuri is NTR with chicks.

This is the most shit taste that anyone can have.

Either that or closet cucks.

nope for every 1 that goes 2 more join the cult

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I think yuri's hot and I only crossdress while I jack off, get fucked nerd.

Marnie was genuinely born to be bred, mated, FUCKED by black men. From all standpoints this is correct. Her body is shaped like she was sculpted specifically to please fertile black bulls. Her cut black hair has a slight curl at the end, as if it beckons to be wrapped around a black man's knuckles while he makes her into a woman. Her underage bottom is soft and shapely, the cushioning plenty adequate for a pent up, powerful black bull to pound her into a creaking bed. A regular dose of dick is not enough. A little white cock like anons can't fulfill her desires. Marnie’s entire body, mind and soul are practically BEGGING to be bent over and dominated by a black man. Imagine her cute little ears flushing red and twitching in his hand as the black bull of her dreams goes balls deep inside her. No girl should be denied this kind of pleasure. You are legitimately a selfish person if you think Marnie shouldn't be allowed to seek out a black king to empty his balls inside her.

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die yurinigger

Enjoy the ban tranny


Give me the microphone.
You know what I’ve had it enough with you negro sombitches shitting up my board. Talking all about your dicks and “ooga booga” this and “ooga booga” that.
You know what I’m gonna do?
I’m gonna click “reply“
I’m gonna call you a nigger
A pavement ape
A porch monkey
I’m gonna solve the captcha
The one with the crosswalks
The one with the cars
The one with the trees
The one with the mountains
I’m gonna hit “post”
I’m gonna derail the thread
I’m gonna send all you niggers back to Africa
That’s right, I’ll send you back
And that’s the bottom line

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Post the follow up.
You won't.

>stfu, orangutan

cope and seethe

Those posts are 100% white incels, ironically

holy crap lois look at this BASED user

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Not only do they fantasize about being women but they also add cuckoldry on top of it.

It's the lack of anything. There were almost no issues with Yuri before on this board. \u\ and \v\ were always on friendly term. But anything nice dies anyway.
Any specific genre ?

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Azure Nights 2 has yuribait, but it also has the most dogshit gameplay ever.

I think you are mistaken, i'd say that 90% of them are actually trannies because they indentify themselves as girls, when I see yuri I always imagine myself with them, fucking them etc

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Ive never cringed so hard in my life

>like both Yaoi and Yuri
>can't stand heterosexual relationships
What's wrong with me?

wouldn't actually surprise me

>rabid trannies forced to write fanfiction because they get literally no vidya content

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Election turists got mindbroken by the LGBT jew, so they go into autistic fits of rage at any sign of "muh degeneracy"

Very based post

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