SGDQ: He/Him edition

Now: Mario Kart 8
Next: Splatoon


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good luck on your run umaru!

FUCK kungfu fruitcup

i love lysithea from fire emblem: three houses

Kung Fu fruitcunny

Swallow sallon done quick

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does kffc even speedrun, or does she love being worshipped by spergy sent autists? You cannot be a 6/10 in looks and unironically enjoy speedrunning


imagine simping for a pan face ang*o white trash. Kung Fu Fruit Cup is the epitome of YOU JUST KNOW

When will /ourguy/ return?

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>>>>>>>>>competitive splatoon

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The fucking ring light is creeping me out.

FUCK did i miss mario kart?

I would like to hold gym's hand

mario kart is after this interview

Based and Deerpilled.

when goldeneye gets accepted

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Never. He's ascended beyond this worthless degeneracy.

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Even if they let him he wouldn't even want to.

I dont know what this is and I dont care Im just here for the lewds

Yes you missed it so you might as well close the thread and stream, turn off your computer and never come here again.

Any white power gamer moments?

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haha photoshop her being fucked by a big black guy haha

just busted no cap

How the fuck can you speedrun the newer Mario Karts? just hoping and praying Blue shells and Lighting dont hit too often? 8 also doesnt have a lot of shortcuts that arent just "cut through the grass".

Where's my comfy anons at!?

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but then who will i talk about vidya titties about?Fact: Reisen has the best boob in touhou

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>4K camera
>ring light
ummm... Zig Forumsros???

Is she a virgin you think?? How much do we know about her. Video games.

>Fight Against Smithy

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its the new whore cam thing
everyone has these ring lights, all asmrwhores, all twitchwhores


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always comfy with remi bros around

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right here bud. I'm gonna miss blood thunder's run which is kind of a bummer. Hold down the fort for me comfybro.

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him doing that live podcast at NASA was rock bottom

Midna best zelda grill

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So how's this marathon been overall? Haven't been watching too much.

how do i stop the retarded hedgehog living around my house to stop eating old bread I leave out for the birbs?

watching on laptop in bed now. pretty comf

just peeped the host's twitch channel, she cute :3

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>with Amber,
Tranny time

just got off work and I'm off tomorrow, so I'm max comfy

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that happened? whack.

damn this bitch sound UGLY

Hang the bread from a tree

kinda bad, kinda comfy. honestly not the worst gdq i've seen

You just reminded me that I have bread in the cupboard that's probably a week past expiration


>he doesn't talk to himself

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very smart thanks

Turn it into beer.

>online relay
shitshow incoming

Uh oh, Zig Forums is going to be SEETHING soon.

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X to Doubt

right here, friend

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