Am I just a dumb zoomer, or is this literally the greatest game of all time?
I have replayed it over 10 times now, it never gets old. Never. It's pure, unadulterated gaming goodness. It shocks me that boomers have the nerve to call this inferior to the other RE games, this is seriously on another level.
How did Capcom do it? How did they achieve perfection? Their latest titles have all been 10/10s, but they yet have to dethrone this.
It's up there yes. 2004-2005 gave us so many timeless classics.
Logan Sullivan
it's one of the greatest, yes. t. 32yo boomer.
>How did Capcom do it? Mikami did. Crapcom's not been able to replicate neither the RE4's nor classic RE's feel and success ever since.
>Their latest titles have all been 10/10s lol fucking no. They're mediocre 6/10 at best disposable Friday night flicks.
Daniel Jackson
>boomers have the nerve to call this inferior to the other RE games M8, you've been had. Boomers go to bat for this game every day. It's not my favorite game but I can tell it's one of the all time legends. I don't know many boomers who hate it. They might prefer REmake 1 but not other modern REs.
Jackson Cox
>is this literally the greatest game of all time? It's just you. It;s a fun game but I've beaten so many times that its lost its charm. You can only do so many runs before you've seen it all.
Jaxson Hughes
>You can only do so many runs before you've seen it all. Just like any other game, what is your point exactly?
Josiah Howard
Wow just like any video game ever
Isaiah Young
a large part of its perfection is that each room is different from the last one, you never fall into a grindy routine you always have to tackle a new problem.
Hunter Perez
It has the best pacing in the history of gaming
Adam Sullivan
>Mikami did
and yet none of you fuckers bought The Evil Within
Carter Roberts
If it was the greatest, then it wouldn't have happened fags.
Tyler Hill
It's ironic because boomers like it while zoomers jerk over Resident Outlast 7.
Benjamin Lee
Fuck it has been 3 years and still coping, you must be exhausted.
Kayden Walker
Everyone likes it there for it's bad.
Samuel Thompson
Fuck you kid. Resident Evil has fixed cameras, pre rendered backgrounds and tank controls. This is not a Resident Evil game and the series died right fuckin here.
Don't (You) me. You know I'm right, get raped to death by a pack of niggers.
Austin Rivera
This is Zig Forums incarnate.
Thomas King
Yeah REmake is the better RE game but RE4 is the better game in general
Dylan Myers
>and yet none of you fuckers bought The Evil Within TEW was shit.
Christopher Bennett
RE4 has semi tank controls. You still need to stop in order to change directions.
Owen Parker
REmake, RE2make, RE4 and RE7 are masterpieces, go read reviews and see if i'm wrong.
David Peterson
You're coping trying to defend your shit game. Meanwhile I played through it laughed my ass off on how cheap of an Outlast ripoff it was and I'm going to play RE8 the day it comes out while you're here doing the "d-d-d-don't b-bully" act. Cope zoomie.
>How did Capcom do it? How did they achieve perfection? Trial and error. Trial and error. Did you know that they made 2 games from the leftovers of this game? Devil May Cry & Haunting Ground were made because of the RE4 endeavour. DMC was the original RE4 before they made it into its own thing and HG was put together because they had enough materials left over from the other prototypes of the game to make an entire one.
RE4 had 5 builds and Shinji Mikami just wanted to get it right. He didn't know where he wanted the series to go but discarded his work over and over again until he got it right.
Carson Murphy
Evil Within sucks ass
Chase Sanders
CAPCOM will 100% chance remake this game and rake in tons of money
>Don't (You) me. You know I'm right No, YOU think you're right, but the truth is, if Mikami hadn't left Capcom RE5 wouldn't have been a Black Hawk Down video game.
Juan Cook
I’m 27 years old and this is my single favorite game of all time. Similar to the way Goodfellas is my favorite movie ever, it’s not because it’s the most artistically innovative, or the most technically perfect game ever made, but because I can replay it endlessly. I can turn this game on at any point in the story, after however long of not playing it and love it. I could turn on someone else’s save file and game that, not save, and still enjoy my time in it.
Leo Walker
>semi tank controls what do you mean? it's just straight up tank controls
Liam Morales
tell me a game where that doesn't happen
Liam Fisher
They will give it to the same retard studio that shat out RE3 Remake.
Andrew Butler
but RE7 proved that you can make a RE game without all that outdated shit, and not only it will turn out better, but also legitimately scarier.
also Silent Hill beats classic RE in those departments so hard, it's bizarre to me that the series somehow crashed and burned.
Tried to play the game recently but the controls were horrendous. Hopefully it gets a remake as I was not willing to get used to them
John Thompson
God I love RE5. >dead on accurate portrayal of nigger barbarism and squalor >mow down wave after wave of feral nogs as a buff white chad >colonize the cute Mulatto girl Fucking based.
Joseph Russell
I did and it was great
Nathan Gomez
The only bad thing about RE4 is the bosses. I always just save up money whenever I can to buy rocket launchers so that I can insta-kill them and move on.
Nolan Sanders
First person is the death of RE.
Kevin Gutierrez
It takes around ten minutes to get the feel of it. The only janky part is not having full camera control, but you don't really need it.
Jonathan Carter
It is getting they need to change aloooot of things for us to take it serious this time.
Jason Clark
try typing that again, in english this time
Luke Reed
No, its literally not RE without those criteria. >outdated You have to be 18 to post here.
Mason Butler
>streamer bait shit >better lmao fuck off zoomie
Eli Ross
If anything, it's the natural progression. RE1 was meant to be a FP game from the very beginning, so... I don't know old man, I think it's time for you to accept change, or keep replaying the ol' gayms I guess
>REmake, RE2make,... and RE7 are masterpieces No, they are not. They are the literal Amnesia and TLOU of the series.
Jayden White
FP games rely on cheap even unrealistic tricks to convey horror. The spatial awareness is way lower than in real life which makes the horror come off just frustrating. 3rd person is more accurate to our own spatial awareness. Therefore there is greater immersion in that perspective.
John Collins
>streamer bait elaborate
Asher Taylor
I love these umad memes lol, if there was a way to upvote I would believe me.
Grayson Robinson
>It shocks me that boomers have the nerve to call this inferior to the other RE games
Idiot, contrarian boomers who were actually too young to experience it new in 2005 called it worse than the originals.
I bought it, but it wasn't as good as RE1, REmake, or RE4.
Nolan Cox
RE7 gameplay loop revolves around the fact that something jumps at the camera, makes for great eceleb videos since screaming loud gets the clicks.
Andrew Ward
so you haven't played the game then? It's closer to what RE was than the disasters that were 5 and 6. Literally classic survival horror in a new perspective.
Anyone who says it isn't the best RE game after REmake is a dumb contrarian. It was one of, if not the, defining action game of its console generation. One of the few games I come back to replay year after year.
Ian Wood
The later part of the game is more classic RE, and not really an Outlast clone.
Landon Lee
it makes for great spooks in general, why is that exclusive to streamers?
Sebastian Brooks
>Literally classic survival horror in a new perspective. Too bad the mansion in 7 is like a kid's meal version of 1's mansion. It's smaller and the keys only unlock like 1-2 doors, the second door being optional most of the time.
The leaked reports say that 8 is long as shit so I hope they actually have broad levels with more puzzles, keyitems and shit to explore.
Josiah Jones
You are not just wrong, you're recursively wrong. The wrongness of every possible iteration of any of your arguments is self-similar with the wrongness of your entire worldview.
Cameron Phillips
The opening of RE7 is fantastic and everything in the main house with Jack is great. It really drops off a lot after that. The BEEES area with Margherite feels unfinished or just half baked and so does the Saw rip off area with the son. Everything after killing Jack including the ship and the return to the house feels like phoning it in.
A shame too because the game starts really really strong.