Yeah this game is done, that was the final nail in the sarcophagus
Heh. Clever.
go woke
rudi lol
what is GOING ON HERE?!
and it will still sell massive copies because 'normies' never cared about lead writers.
When will writers learn that companies just want to squeeze money out of them? Especially someone like Paradox, that is among the nastiest game companies in the world currently.
"Hardsuit Labs has appointed game design consultant Alexandre Mandryka, who has worked on titles such as Assassin's Creed and Far Cry as creative consultant, to fill the Creative Director role."
I am actually pretty curious why they would do this. This seems like a pretty strange move.
Not replaced?
Just removed?
why would they do this?
What do you think, Zig Forums? Is this internal politics or was he fired because the game is extremely bad?
Knowing Swedes that are oh-so-fragile, they probably could not handle his edgy writing. Not in the 21st century.
>Hardsuit Labs
wait, Hardsuit Labs is developing this game? The same devs that killed Blacklight Retribution? But why?
They are vampires who are thirsty for fresh blood.
>nice ip shame if something happened to it
Normies have never heard about this game at all though? It won’t sell millions.
never woke enough, we need to delay the game!!!
I could imagine the vampire bloodlines IP intervened and requested the delay to make the game more woke and kick mitsoda out. Just a guess though
How are these people still in business?
hi mitsoda, if you wanna talk to someone and you are in this thread write me.
mitsoda was woke enough by himself. everyone is still in denial about that
Nothin' left for me to do but DANCE!
I haven't seen any of this game's writing yet, do you have some?
Also, do/did any of the first game devs work on this?
mostly we know just what they've talked about in interviews. but what theyve said is not good
fired because you aren't allowed to have "stars" in AAA game development anymore. The only public figures are the ones publishers groom to be spokesmen. The people who make games good don't get credit. They're just replaceable workers in the eyes of the publisher, and therefore to management.
This game is cursed
We got monkey pawed pretty damn hard, but it was not a sudden development.
The cracks have been visible from the very start as soon as they announced the dev.
What the fuck
1) how in the fuck is this company still alive 2) why is anyone giving them ANY IP's (like VTMB)?
their highest scoring game is a 7/10, and better devs have been closed over games that got better scores than that
dont care
i always knew that this game would be fucking bad because its made by literal who poor developer
if anyone expects this game to be at least decent is sick in the head
Definitely internal arguments and most definitely some SJW elements thrown in.
When is the last time you've heard of anyone being fired in any field (games, movies, music and tv) for pure incompetency alone?
The west is finished, nothing surprises me anymore.
I like this writing. I dont see any problem here
Why people ever had any hope in the first place will always be a mystery to me.
did she shit into a bowl???
thats because you are the problem
Let me guess he and this other creative director have been Metoo'd by the soiyiggers in the studio?
How can you possibly write a good vampire story when you are this much of a pussy? Bloodlines is brutal, you can't treat it with silk gloves or even hope to not offend somebody.
I am sorry. I don't see the relation between that text the the other text. I don't see whats bad about body horror. I understand why bad is second post. But the body horror post looks totally fine to me. Explain?
Does anyone have the reason for why? I mean, it makes all the difference. If the reason was because they wanted more woke shit and this guy was suggesting reason instead, then yeah I understand being worried. But it could've been a valid reason too. We just don't know.
There wasn't much hope to begin with but this seals it
Probably political reasons, somebody higher up either decided they weren't being woke enough or decided they were being too woke
they went with this writer and this creative director, they did their thing, honestly I don't know maybe the writing is good? doubt it, but for sure I know the look, the feel, the art are all bad/wrong
and the game has zero hype around it, low youtube views on trailers, no media hype around it, no forum hype, the people in charge saw this, dumped the director and writer
No way they got fired without butchering something completely considering the studio is in Sw-
>It's Seattle
lol they probably looked at someone in a funny way
women need to be enslaved unironically
His post sounds like he was already done with his work on the game, so it sounds more like a desperate cost cutting move to me.
Is that the codex? There's not a chance in hell she would post there. It would be akin to her posting here.
Name ONE franchise revival that was actually good
I believe it's the official Paradox forums.
Resident Evil
Human Revolution was pretty great
deus ex human revolution. Not as good as the OG, but still a good game
They sacked him and the director and only replaced the director. My guess would be cutting costs and trying to end content/feature creep.
Sucks for them though because this move screams trouble at the studio and that lowers both investor and customer confidence.
You're right. Very similar visual design to the codex though.
>definitely some SJW elements thrown in.
Mitsoda is a staunch liberal, so I doubt it unless it is a harassment allegation but that would not explain the other dude being fired.
Mitsoda was also canned by Obsidian during the development of Alpha Protocal. The guy is probably a nightmare to work with especially since he has stated that he has severe social anxiety (the reason he wear gloves all the time is because they are "armor" that makes him feel secure")
Mitsoda is a loony.
they can't completely rewrite the whole game at this point though. getting rid of a few avelone landmarks is one thing, mitsoda was lead writer though
>if I write that line out, will you die?
>it would be very painful