>be 2013 >Wii U $100 price drop >go to GameStop >ask to buy new Wii U, not the new Wind Waker HD version >worker suggests I buy the Zelda edition >"no thanks, just the stock Wii U, please" >worker keeps insisting I get the Zelda edition >"thanks, just the standard Wii U please" >autismo worker KEEPS INSISTING that I get the cool design Zelda Wii U because it comes with WWHD >"no, that's OK. I'd just like the normal black one, thanks" >other worker says "just give him a normal Wii U man, he just doesn't like Zelda" >autismo getting physically assmad >"why don't you like Zelda? It's a good deal and you should get this edition" >"nah, I'll pass" >"I don't know anyone who doesn't like Zelda" >consider leaving the store at this point >"WW is so good and you're missing out if you don't get this" >they get a normal Wii U >pay >leave
Nerds BTFO by someone who only likes good Zelda games and not dogshit chibi cartoon trash
Wind Waker would have been fucking GOAT if the stupid artstyle didn't eat up the entire gods dam n disc. Fuck you.
Chase Ramirez
WW is a decent game and not the worst Zelda, but you'd have to be mentally unstable to think it's even close to being the best. It's blatantly unfinished.
Joseph Russell
just use cemu to play wind waker hd, but honestly besides the god tier A E S T H E T I C S the game is very easy and short.
Charles Gray
Mad past heat death.
Brody Carter
Wasn’t it only a few dungeons long? Three to get the pearls One for the tower And two or so for the sages And then the final one? What the fuck is that
Leo Perez
Not to mention the obvious padding with the Triforce Fetch Quest.
Brayden Gutierrez
>Nerds BTFO by someone who only likes good Zelda games yeah, I hate the entire zelda franchise too
Angel Wilson
Haven't seen this pasta in fucking AGES.
Aaron Gomez
I've been wanting to pick up a white Wii U. It seems no one fucking bought them and it'll be a bit of a unicorn once the system becomes retro.
Luke Adams
That's nice. I worked electronics a few years back and sold kids on OoT3D and WWHD because I actually like video games instead of making up stories online to start shit.
Oliver Nelson
Nathaniel Collins
Loser! WWHD is for little babies
Gabriel Hernandez
>you'd have to be mentally unstable to think it's even close to being the best. With a few obvious exceptions, Zelda games are 90% alike to me so I pick WW for its better visuals and music.
On those factors I'd take MM over TP too. The game is severely lacking in aesthetic identity. It wants to be more realistic than Wind Waker, yet still has many Toon styled character designs. It presents itself as gritty and action packed yet the standouts from the OST are all more calming pieces. You can tell it's a game that started as one thing before suddenly turning into something else.
Benjamin Cox
>I pick WW for its better visuals and music WW is not even the best looking cel shaded game. As for music. Pathetic.
Adrian Campbell
>WW is not even the best looking cel shaded game I'm only talking about Zelda. >As for music. Pathetic Music is probably more important than visuals to me.
Evan Ortiz
>and all of that actually happened in your head
Thomas Reyes
based, those kids probably got laid while op is still a virgin
Evan Harris
that's an awful lot of words to say you don't understand the first thing about TP
Robert Johnson
Feel free fo make a tl;dr post of your own to explain it. The game feels lacking in passion to me.
Thomas Collins
Majora's Mask is only four.
Asher Ramirez
>Be retard >Pass on buying a more collectible version of a relatively rare console despite employee giving me every chance to >Make thread about it 7 years later still not realizing my retardation
AND THEN EVERYBODY CLAPPED. This isn't your personal blog.
Evan Sanchez
Real talk, I have two wiius right now. one I'm selling to a buddy since I rescued it from the electronic recycler. Both are the black version. both came with a game pad. One has the windwaker design and the other is original. Should I keep the original or the collectors game pad? Worth noting the original has a scratch on the screen. Also these things ARE interchangeable right? Is there anything else I should check for between the two consoles to ensure I have the better set of the two?
Charles Diaz
>skip on a special edition console which you can later resell at a higher price >skip on a free game
sounds like he was doing you a favor an you went full asshole mode
Angel Ross
I did that dance at my GameStop >howdy, I would like a N3DSXL >hands me one >check serial number >sorry, I want another one >why >this one isn’t hackable >oh...that’s the only one I got >alright >go next door to target >howdy, I would like a N3DSXL please >target dude opens the case >asks me which one I want >grab one, tell target dude to remember to check the serial number if he gets one to see if it’s hackable >target dude says don’t worry bro, mine is ready to go >awesome Fucking Target?
Cooper Morales
>buying consoles just to sell them Absolute dumbass shit for brains