You guys said this game was good and it wasn't. What the fuck?
You guys said this game was good and it wasn't. What the fuck?
>You guys said this game was good and it wasn't.
many such cases, especially for castlevania
while a lot of people might like them the post sotn castlevanias got some brain damage all across the board
they arent TERRIBLE
its very good
Yeah I didn't care for it either. Map design was ass. Too many samey 2x2 rooms full of stair cases.
I know that feel.
To me, this game was pretty forgettable.
It didn't really do anything noteworthy and wasn't really engaging.
The only merit I can give it is that it's difficulty was quite challenging for post-SOTN Castlevania.
God tier game. They fixed the balancing issues of previous Igavanias, added more depth to the combat, and innovated the map system while also including a classic castle for the old fans.
>"This double tap to run thing isn't too ba-"
>yet ANOTHER vertical shaft with a zig-zag ascent