So pure. So perfect and every way. I crave more of this but know I'll never get another as truly excellent.
So pure. So perfect and every way. I crave more of this but know I'll never get another as truly excellent
True. It's not often that we receive literal masterpieces like REmake 2.
This piece of shit attracted the worst kind of toxic zoomers into the Resident Evil franchise, and ensured that lazy and disposable 3rd person shooters are the future of this dead and rotten IP.
It's absolutely nothing more than a urine-soaked wet slap in the face of the veteran fanbase that made the series big in the first place and asked for the REmake treatment for RE2 for almost two decades.
game sucks
that would be 7
>walk while aiming
here's your goty 2019 according to Zig Forums bro
Cringe. REmake 2 is one of the best entries in the franchise and a personal favorite.
Nice zombie clicking simulator
These. I can only assume fans like this shit because of the atmosphere
Resi 4 is better
7 is good
7 is better than REmake2 desu, better writing, characters, setting, gameplay, atmosphere etc, Jack was far more terrifying than Mr. X aka forced YouTube meme ever was
It is truly kino, the only thing that's slightly disappointing is the lack of enemy variety
cry harder faggot
7 at least was its own separated title, that might just as well be a reboot. REm2 was one of THE most anticipated remakes of all history, and thus it pisses straight on one of the most beloved games ever created.
REmake 2 is honestly the 2nd best survival horror RE game, the first being the first REmake.
The only that sucks about RE2R is that it still has some of the trapping of modern AAA gaming cancer.
The absolute worst part of the game RE2 is the Alligator boss fight.
Remake's alligator I mean...
If RE7 was bad,it could be ignored as a separate tale.But its soo good that actually gonna have a sequel.
REmake in the other hand is a inferior REmake compared to REmake1 for example
I have refused to play RE7 because I dont have VR and I feel like it is pointless to play that game in particular if I dont have VR.
I didnt play in VR until way later...VR just enhances a alrready good experience
>So perfect and every way
>15 headshots to down a zombie
RE1 remake is also a masterpiece. Shame RE3 remake was a let down
>shooting at the head
>last deal was 26.99
Shit I should have got it when I had the chance, now I am regretting it
lol, imagine thinking this when RE7 came out a full two years prior.
Just use the shotgun bro.
Jack isn't as dynamic as Mr. X is, Jack is barely in the house while Mr. X can follow you all over RPD. Remake 2 also had way more enemies than RE7, and much more meaningful differences between enemies.
Fitting since RE3 is also the worst of the ps1 games
>Jack isn't as dynamic as Mr. X
I seriously doubt this. You could be right in some arbitrary technical sense like "Mr. X's AI contains more lines of code than Jack's," but apart from a couple of scripted jump scares, Mr. X was laughably easy to predict and juke. I feel like I've played N64 games with more impressive AI. Maybe this has to do with RE2's rooms being more expansive than RE7's, I dunno.
Jack's easy to avoid too, he will literally grab you and spin you around so you stand a chance to block his attacks he throws at you.
I have been playing RE for 22 years? You are talking absolute dogshit. Sounds like you are the zoomer here.
>walk while aiming
lmao he fell for it
>he moves while shooting
You people are fucking retards but then i doubt you even played the game
So? What's that game got to do with anything?
this. it's re2 for people who don't like re2
It's better than RE2.
>slap in the face of the veteran fanbase that made the series big in the first place
lmao, have sex
>and ensured that lazy and disposable 3rd person shooters are the future of this dead and rotten IP
>RE VIII is 1st person
RE2 is the best video game of all time and i like REmake 2. Nice try.
but it's not. Want to say more retarded shit like "RE5 is better than RE4" as well? Anyone can say retard stuff on the internet user but maybe think if you should?
There is definitely a retard afoot, but it is not who you think it is.