Why has there never been a spiritual successor to this game...

Why has there never been a spiritual successor to this game? Nothing comes even CLOSE to imitating the feel and style of this game.

You'd think with all of the excellent (and mediocre) indie Metroidvanias, platformers, and 2-D Dark Souls games that someone would at least try to recreate the epic feel and scope of LttP.

ALBW and the GBC games come the closest, but still nothing tops the king.

Attached: 717546-zelda_003.jpg (1214x933, 678.12K)

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I never played it, but isn't a link between world's supposed to be similar?


This actually does. I played the demo with a buddy the other day, and I'm actually pretty hyped for it to release. If you play the multiplayer via steam remote play, be cautious because it fucking decimates the audio.

Have you played a link between worlds?
I heard people said it was great.

ALBW is literally its spiritual successor

It's extremely good, and it has an interesting design philosophy in that you can go to the dungeons in any order you want

Binding of Isaac

OOT felt like they took LttP and made it a 3d game. None of the other Zelda's have that feel.

ALBW is exactly a spiritual successor, and a very good one, that manages to be both soulful and soulless.

Have you played a link between worlds?
I heard people said it was great and is the most direct sequel to ALLTP.