Here's your game of the generation bro

Here's your game of the generation bro

but for real i finished it last night and my balls damn near turned inside out with how hard i nutted when i realised what was going on

Attached: apps.7475.67120997535715720.38c3e502-0019-4560-826e-634bbaf5cb4b[1].49bae061-49f7-4594-b2e4-17e7e25756ab.jpg (720x1080, 132.35K)

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What are some other games where progress is only gated by knowledge?

Toki Tori 2
Most Roguelikes

wish it was on gamepass pc, tried it on xbox but its just shit with a controller and shit framerate. you would think a xb1x can do 60 fps on this trash graphics

the pc version is horribly optimized. or at least was at launch

i get a solid 144 on max with a 980ti

The fact that knowledge gating content hasn't really been done to this scale before kinda blows my mind, it's actually pretty fucking smart.
Imagine a game actually rewarding you for exploring and figuring things out in current year

It was a good game, not a great game.
Too many things are gated by time which is fucking annoying (waiting 10-15 minutes per tick just to enter somewhere).
And some information is very difficult to come across if you don't find all of the applicable information.

>not zipping around planets as fast as you can without killing yourself while waiting for stuff to become available
im afraid you played the game wrong

>if you dont find the applicable infromation
yea no shit thats literally the whole point, explore and do ur own fucking connecting so you can access those points, ur just stupid and got filtered because it didnt hold ur hand or have QTEs