Hitman 3 becomes Epic exclusive, Redditors FREAK THE FUCK OUT


>Wow, fuck you IO. I seriously have the first two games on STEAM. I don't want the third game on a different service.
>Fuck IO and fuck Epic for doing this. Both are anticonsumerist pieces of shit.
>This is why we can't have nice things. I was ready even to preorder because I had so much faith in IO. FUCK
>Fucking disgusting.
>Moneyhat from both sony and epic, fuck them
>They can have it. Their bullshit online requirements for progression and stupid FOMO live service tactics in a full-priced single player game, THREE GAMES IN A ROW, already had this on my "not even for $5" list.
>Tim Sweeney is such a blatant hypocrite. How can anyone defend this sack of shit?

Kek, Reddit Steamies are pissed right now and looking absolutely pathetic.

Attached: epicman.jpg (722x531, 69.5K)

Didn't we just have a thread about this you shitposter?

Attached: hitman3.png (569x374, 10.86K)

holy fuck epic chads just can't stop winning!!!!!

Attached: Dog Sweeney.png (683x1024, 1M)

This series is on the verge of death every couple of years, if they don't take these deals there would be no Hitman. Brain-dead Redditors, why do I expect more

I thought that they went under? or was it just their publisher or something?

>When you read the comments and redditors sound exactly like the anons in this board
People will still try to hide the fact that Zig Forums is Reddit 2.0 now though

Attached: 57d.png (1018x790, 220.29K)

If you think this is exclusive to people who use reddit, you're delusional

All the virgins on Zig Forums will wig out because of "Muh freedoms"

The Epic autist is having a fit again, cue him calling everyone steamies.

Is it going to be released piecemeal like the last Hitman?