You don't keep you're PC on the carpeted floor, do you Zig Forums?

You don't keep you're PC on the carpeted floor, do you Zig Forums?

Attached: desktier.png (1199x969, 106.97K)

not carpet but vinyl
i dont have the desk space for the tower yet

No, I keep it on my hardwood floor, in the middle of the desk between my legs.



>desk next to monitor
is this an american thing or something, what kind of dumbass wants the WHIRRRRR machine right next to them

Attached: 1594532912401.jpg (1300x975, 265.93K)

This image is at least ten years old. It was okay back then.

>not hanging the pc from the ceiling

> tower on floor I rarely use anymore
> use the old monitor as a second screen for my x220

What mode is this?

>Not building a silent pc

very good point, I was thinking about this last night - I need to move the tower somewhere else but dunno where

carpeted floor?

Attached: 1591599976532.jpg (635x597, 30.32K)

What kind of fan is silent enough to not make any noise at all?
A stalker

If you have hardwood why the fuck would you keep your desktop on your desk? You're wasting space and blowing hot air closer to your face.
Do you really need to look at your computer so often you need it right next to your head?

>hurr rainbow light pretty
kill yourself zoomer, you'd have to be one hell of a retard to put your pc on the desk

my shelf has a space to fit the pc inside of it

holy shit i pull so much pussy. The insides collect a lot less dust if the tower is not on the ground. Also,
>carpeted floor

Attached: Untitled.png (680x500, 10.33K)

>wanting gay RGBs blasting you in the face

left is 27 in 1440p 155hz, right is 24 in 1080p 144hz

Attached: deskchad.png (430x299, 3.08K)

Why? That doesn't scale with anything.

I guess I pass.

Attached: battlestation2020.jpg (6000x4000, 3.46M)

it overclocks to 155hz, stock is 144hz

>not keeping your tower in the cool basement and running wires upstairs

Attached: jjjjj.jpg (800x681, 81.17K)

>carpeted floor

Attached: 1587961292983.png (600x450, 222.38K)

I'm in "my pc compensates for my penis" because I don't really have room for my case on my desk
my floor isn't carpet, I vacuum regularly enough and the case has a bunch of dust filters so it's not an issue

For me, my rig is on my desk, and I have two monitors.

>he hasn't cut a piece of wood specifically so he can put his pc on the carpeted floor

144 makes sense because it scales from cinematic 24fps. What the hell does 155 scale from?

>he doesn't have a hole in his PC table for max bottom fan airflow

Attached: lol.jpg (1300x957, 388.02K)

I bought a piece of wood just to put my PC on top of because I have a carpeted floor and I'm not about to put my PC directly on carpet.

Mine’s in a server rack.

Attached: D33776CB-DC3E-4E70-A9F2-FC935CC24957.jpg (4032x3024, 2.11M)

>His desk doesn't have a specific place underneath above the carpet to put his PC
Never gonna make it.

For me, its hurr durr

I have it under the desk because there is no room left in my room for it.

>server rack full of non-rack mountable hardware
What the fuck

Heat rises so of course you want to keep your PC as close to the ground as possible, preferably flat with a thin translucent siding to increase the surface area to which heat can escape from your case

>you're PC

Wtf is with the window being so high?
That shade of purple is straight out of 2005, looks very homo.