And McNigger said this game was dead

Attached: 1597947685403.jpg (600x673, 39.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:§ion=mtxitems

Team Fortress 2 Update Released
August 21, 2020 - TF2 Team
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added the Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case
Contains 22 new community-contributed items
Adds 4 new community-created Unusual effects
Fixed an issue where values computed from server bounded ConVars could be incorrect on the client and therefore possibly exploitable
Fixed Australium Medigun/Wrench items not dropping for the Mann vs. Machine rewards
Fixed the chat window not always being restored to the appropriate place
Fixed Competitive badges not displaying correctly
Increased the default caps_per_round for Mannpower mode
Updated the Watch Streams dialog to open the Twitch page
Updated cp_granary with a permanent Soldier statue
Updated/Added some tournament medals
Updated the localization files

>nothing regarding bots (except maybe the convar exploits but I don't know what that entails)
>F2Ps being unable to use voice commands isn't reverted
typical Valve

Attached: 1513739962299.png (624x614, 517.57K)

read the update again. TF2 may not be dead, but it doesn't change the fact that Valve has moved on.

They should do what Natural Selection 2 devs did and hand the game over to the community.

Why is this shit not available on Steam anymore?
>tf2 is updating
>click View News
>goes to this new page of BULLSHIT now instead of just fucking patch notes

Attached: file.png (1246x446, 171.78K)

So some bug fixes and more things to buy. Based valve

>more cosmetic shit
>meanwhile bots run rampart and Valve doesn't give a shit

imagine being so new that you even had the chance of being a f2p

>hand the game over to mcshitter and his tranny friends because they're considered the biggest names in the community
>cashes in on the hype by making a half assed update with as many microtransactions as possible
>shuts the game down after a month because mcdiddler hates this game in particular

community fortress 2