
name a worse npc

Attached: skyrim retarded cunt.png (600x1000, 1.03M)

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no way. she isnt even worth some shitty memes.

>thinks your the dragonborn
>still believes she can kill you and trys to order you around

I can't, because I played the game maybe 3 hours and got bored af

fuck off zoomie

got bored afff brooooooo

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>Ebony warrior
>lol killed all enemies in this game so bored, ran out of quests to do in this game too. anyway, the devs placed me here for you to beat me good luck with that

Biggest immersion breaking fuck up in Bethesda's part.

only good for a sacrifice
i refused to do the boethiah quest until i realized this guy existed

Attached: skyrim faggot.jpg (900x900, 267.22K)

Based AF


shes based though dragoniggers deserve to get fucked

>shes based though dragoniggers deserve to get fucked

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>do you get to the cloud district very often
90% of my trips are straight to the fucking jarl are you blind nigger

>90% of my trips are straight to the fucking jarl are you blind nigger

>Nazeem almost never goes to the Cloud District

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Young Scrolls is top content. Baurus's album is great.

i'v never seen him in the cloud district even once

he just harrasses everyone in town i'm suprised random npcs don't kill him

zoomer uses deflection cuz he mad people shit on his favorite childhood babygame

belethor and his thrall
everyone from the thieves' guild
everyone from the companions except their boss

>everyone from the companions except their boss
Farkas was cool though
and i liked Rune from the thieves guild

>install the unofficial patch
>completely shocked to see him walking around dragonsreach
>later a dragon attacks whiterun one night because I have open cities installed
>kill the dragon just outside the steps of dragonsreach
>nazeem and a random guard run up just in time to see me absorb the dragon soul
>nazeem is fucking blown away and even says so

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>believes that the Thalmor are responsible for dragons that attack indiscriminately
>she continues to believe this after seeing Alduin himself brings a dragon back to life with her own eyes as part of the main quest

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That annoying deadbeat hobo in the Whiterun Inn who always asks for a drink and when you finally get it for him he always says the same fucking line.
>"My favorite drinking buddy!"

Gisli. Her entire existence is bitching about her brother being more popular than her.

I only play skyrim for the sex mods desu

>kill this dragon or else we wont help you
>no option to kill them instead
>only option is to either kill dragon or forever ignore them

Skyrim still isn't finished, all these years later
Re-released a number of times, but never actually finished

>fighting stormcloak patrol with my imperial legion bros
>killing stormcloak guys by the handful
>hit a stormcloak chick in the back of the head
>threaten her with more violence unless she complies
>rape her multiple times
>cum inside her every time
>eventually sate my desires
>steal her armor and weapons then let her go
>a year from now this storkcloak chick will be reminded of the superiority of imperials whenever she looks at her rapebaby for the rest of her life
skyrim belongs to the empire

Probably killed herself desu

maybe, but by sheer statistics some of them should decide to live

he doesn't walk around in dragonreach for me despite unofficial patch

maybe it was another mod I guess

i like the drunks though
>fancy robes you a wizard or something?
you can just never go back to them
it's what i do
fuck delphine

i like the drunks though
>fancy robes you a wizard or something?
you can just never go back to them after alduins wall
it's what i do
should have been 12/12/12
i bet they'll release it again for the ps5
>>fighting stormcloak patrol with my imperial legion bros
fuck delphine