Friendly reminder that if you play a shooters with a controller you are not actually playing them...

Friendly reminder that if you play a shooters with a controller you are not actually playing them, the games play themselves and pat you on the shoulder for being "badass"

Attached: built in aimbot.jpg (1401x728, 211.32K)

aiming with a controller is harder and more engaging even with the assist some game has. I also like having to use both of my hands to aim

With a mouse it's like clicking on icons on the desktop. Sure it's more efficient but it feels less gamey and more like doing some basic task

t. someone who uses controller for sp shooters on pc (then again I mostly play tps games like RE2, and rarely play fps games)

Why not use a wheel and pedals then?
Way more gamey and engaging.


Because wheels are 2 direction+pressure sensitivity, while a controller is 2x360° directions with pressure sensitivity

You can guess which one is more engaging. Also wheels are uncomfortable while controllers are the most comfortable way to play

> I also like having to use both of my hands to aim
You’re doing that with a mouse and keyboard, too. You just don’t have to drag the camera slowly into the direction you want it to, it’s about as “effective” if you couldn’t click on your phone and had a cursor you had to control with an analog stick.
The issue is all major popular shooters are balanced with this godawful first-person-control preference leading to flat even-level shootouts and linear hallway level design. All of this is a big reason the NuDooms and the other retro-inspired shooters like Dusk and Ion Fury are fun: They’re finally getting interesting gameplay going for people not using the analog stick with the default “3” sensitivity.
This also isn’t saying a whole lot, Dusk is a Quake clone and the NuDooms are filled with Overwatch explosions and boring level design. Things for shooters have been THAT retarded since 2000.

Playing FPS with a controller is like turning the light switch off using the handle end of a broom stick.

Yeah I know, problem?

>You can guess which one is more engaging
Yeah, the wheels and pedals, because as you said it's less precise and it makes the game harder, which is what you like about stick aiming.

>all switches are now big and stupid and balanced around this method
>people just using their hands have to put up with it
>just prefer sticking with the old switches because they weren’t made for retards
accurate analogy

>You’re doing that with a mouse and keyboard, too
Nah, you can 180° scope anything without a KB with perfect efficiency. With a controller you have to use both joysticks if you efficiently want to do that.
KB is only used for skating around on the ground

> it’s about as “effective” if you couldn’t click on your phone and had a cursor you had to control with an analog stick
Already made an example for this with the "clicking on icons on the desktop"
Game design isn't simply about efficiency. Imagine a mobile game where you just have to click on enemies shallow "whack a mole style" or one where you have to calculate pressure sensitivity and speed of controllers to drag cursor so you can shoot. You can prefer the former but the latter is still more engaging and deeper and some people might prefer it even if it's the more "clunky" of the two control methods

wheels have less directions (2 (and let's say +2 with the pedals) vs 360x2)
It's pressure sensitivity being marginally more precise doesn't make up for that

>wheel is 2 directions
>stick is 360°
you stupid faggot any wheel made in the current decade will encode atleast 900° of rotation that alone makes it have ""MORE DIRECTIONS"" than 2x360°
dumb fucking consolepleb kys

>Overwatch players miss half of their shots
>"It's not actually you playing it."
So all AI is retarded?

yeah bro console players are making so many perfectly calculated microadjustments per millisecond, watching multiplayer shooters on console totally doesn't look like everyone is overdosing on horse tranquilizers

Attached: 1438794731163.jpg (720x540, 36.51K)

>With a controller you have to use both joysticks if you efficiently want to do that.
Or you’re just not good enough. Follow and lead their movement with just the right stick.
>Game design isn't simply about efficiency
It’s about designing games within the controls methods, and the powergap between gamepads and mice+keyboard have retarded it immensely. Thanks for all the linear level design into arenas and simple shootouts!
>Imagine wack-a-mole gameplay
Yeah this is every shooter now because they’re designed around analog sticks. Imagine a shooter where enemies have an appropriate reaction time where quick precision is actually important.


It's not an aimbot if everyone has the same assistance,there is no advantage

unlike mustard gamers where actual aimbot player get an advantage

I just can't when Zig Forums pretends to know anything technical, y'all are talking out your asses

So says user talking out of his ass

You must be 18 to post here

I don't care.

I don't care. There is no pride to take in how you play videogames, they're instant gratification for children.

Yeah, but why would I put myself at a disadvantage in Halo when the developers give the controller "aimbot"?

If the game was designed with a gamepad in mind, like Halo was, then I play it with a gamepad.

If it was designed with KBM in mind, I play with KBM.

Simple as.

Attached: 1590709621792.png (556x435, 196K)

OPs mad that he's not good enough to aim with a controller


Gyro would fix all of this but consoletards are afraid of change.

What exactly is the difference between bullet magnetism and just having bigger hitboxes? At least bullet magnetism can decrease the further away you are from your target. Better that than also being able to shoot someone around a corner because their hitbox is stretched too far.

Attached: OW hitboxes.webm (1440x1080, 2.97M)

Shut up retard I’ll play how I want

>If the game was designed with a gamepad in mind, like Halo was, then I play it with a gamepad.
>If it was designed with KBM in mind, I play with KBM.
>Simple as.

Attached: EW6C5-SXYAAC4Yn.jpg (326x304, 21.4K)

Choosing Overwatch as an example does not lend you credibility. Everyone here knows it's trash.
Either way on consoles you get the aim assists on top of the large hitboxes.

"Everyone here" means jack shit. It's been the most popular competitive fps on pc for years.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Voice of reason wins again


How would you know which is which for multiplats ie every Xbone game