Bought Persona 4G on steam a month late

>Bought Persona 4G on steam a month late
>Took my time completing it, stayed away from threads as to not get spoiled
>Finally beat it today
>All the comfy Persona 4 threads i used to see have gone away...

One more comfy Persona 4 thread?

Attached: P4G.jfif.jpg (680x425, 105.5K)

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you got the true ending?

how the fuck did you miss spoilers? these vita babbies spammed the forum with the real villains mug every day since it released. They used to do it even before it was announced on steam

Didn't you hear? Persona 4 got its own board.

Who did you date OP and why is Chie and Naoto the only good choices?

Attached: 1592547454482.jpg (512x696, 78.37K)

yeah initally i didn't, when you get the dialoge options in the end of december i screwed up and fast forwarded to march.

Sure, I stopped coming to them because they just devolved into waifuposting instead of talking about the game like they were. What did you think of it? I was surprised of how much I enjoyed compared to 5 and 3

Tomboys and reverse traps rule, that's why

Just beat it about a week ago and loved it. Who were your favorite characters? I loved Kanji and Naoto. Kanji's story was pretty sweet and Naoto was badass. Really wish she got more screentime.

I went with yukiko. looking through some threads i have realized that wasn't the popular choice, they kind of plugged her so hard at the begining i just kind of rolled with it

I loved it, it's the first Persona i have every played so i was floored at how good it was. i plan on emulating 3 and playing 5 if it comes to steam someday. I'm surprised you say that cause alot of threads i read people hold 3 to a really high standard