Am I missing something here or does this game suck ass? It's boring as fuck...

Am I missing something here or does this game suck ass? It's boring as fuck. I played the first one and the only reason I finished it is because the story was interesting. I'm playing the 2nd one now and I'm not sure I can finish this one. It's boring as fuck, braindead levels of easy, and the parts that are "hard" aren't even challenging they're just tedious and flat out annoying. And the characters AC2 are just cringy as fuck.

Does anyone here actually like these games? I feel like I'm not even playing a video game. It's like I'm playing a fucking interactive movie.

Attached: 811107-ac.jpg (550x691, 130.45K)

Damn user, that's some subversive high IQ critique you've got there. You are a true wordsmith.

The other thing I hate is how 90% of the time you're not even doing anything. You're just running from A to B and talking to people. The only thing I like about these games is that you can climb buildings and jump off of them.

They're mediocre games. Always have been

If I had said instead it sucks dick, would that make you happy? Since you clearly do that in your spare time

But why is it so popular? Who the hell is buying these games?

First AC was a launch title back when PS3 had no games. Play 4. It's easily the best one.

>his mind immediately jumps to sucking dick
So it must be true what they say: cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish. I bow to your homosexual genius, user.

Altair>Connor>Edward>>>>>>>pizza cape>>>>>Ezio

You're saying I should skip ahead to 4? I'm kinda over it to be honest. I'm annoyed I've invested this much time into a game I don't even like.

Did mommy take away your switch again? You seem unusually butthurt

His voice acting is some of the worst I've ever seen

And you seem to be projecting a great deal. Are you upset Zig Forums doesn't pat you on the back for your hot takes? My my, c'mere little guy.

It seems like it's just you that disagrees this game is shit so far. Is that why you're upset? Someone said a mean thing about your shitty game?

Shh user, shh. It's gonna be alright. You clearly expected more of a reaction, but let it be a lesson to you: don't expect praise from others, especially not Zig Forums. Continue being a beautiful and unique snowflake.


Should only play it if you absolutely are a fan of the series. AC1 is shit otherwise.

Assassins Creed games fill a huge market niche for AAA open-world historical fiction. Palestine, Italy and Rome, Istanbul, Colonial New England, the French West Indies, Paris, London, Ptolemaic Egypt, Athens and Sparta, Saxon England... How many of these settings have been adapted in ANY other games, much less AAA open-world games?

If you're into history or geography at all I feel like you can overlook the very substantial flaws.

But what is there to be a fan of?

I get that, but the gameplay itself is terrible. Why couldn't they at least make it somewhat challenging? The game holds your hand so much it's hard to be engaged in it.

The first game was a failure from a gameplay perspective. It set up all the assassinations as oceans 11 style elaborate heists but they were all damp squib chases with parry combat.

For AC2, Ubisoft simply gave up on any elaboration or build up for assassinations and put in tonnes of sidequests and exploring. Then people said the game had massively improved somehow.

AC > AC2

That's basically what I'm not understanding here. It's literally the exact same shit but with more side quests. Everything else is still the same, including the cringe voice acting.

honestly just just play brotherhood and run around with your assassin bros, or if you want a shitty sid meiers pirate game play black flag.

parkour is the main selling point of AC1 you brainlet, going from A to B in the most efficient/stylish way is the point.

AC2 setting is what sold the game. Reneissance Italy has soul overload. But yeah, the parkour is noticeably more watered down. Until they abandoned it completely in Pirates of The Caribbean the game.

It was strange to me too. I think it really was just the sidequests.

They tried to fix that with Origins/Odyssey by giving it rpg mechanics, manual aiming and soulslike combat, but it just made things worse. Ubisoft can only make good looking games with mediocre stories and shitty gameplay and QC, so they might as well not bother and just make things piss easy.

Parkouring and exploring in AC was always a fun past time of mine. Would always start up the story again as soon as I finished them. Must have beaten AC2 4 times and Brotherhood 8 or 9 times.

I'm a brainlet because I thought the game fucking sucked and was boring as shit?

I'm not sure if I even want to play this game at all

Yeah that makes sense. I feel like this game is for NPCs or some shit.

I like the idea. I like the concept of a more stealth-oriented Prince of Persia, and I like some of the "social stealth" Hitman-esque angle. I also like the historical details of the settings (though forcing historical figures sometimes just feels stupid). The games themselves were always half-baked. The original had its heart in the right place, but the game feels unfinished and everything after it just lost the plot. ACII was a big improvement in a lot of respects, but it was also the beginning of clear bloat and feature-creep. More for the sake of more rarely works out for games, and I think that's pretty clear for AssCreed now in a way it might not have been in 2009 when the second game came out and blew peoples' minds. I'm still surprised the series remained so popular and has continued for so many fucking games. Their production schedules -- even acknowledging multiple dev teams and studios -- is ridiculous. When Brotherhood was announced I knew that the series had lost whatever direction it had.

I like climbing the buildings and running away from guards, but besides that it's fucking boring. Halfway through AC1 I just wanted to finish the damn game I was so fucking bored.

ac1 is the best one and the most soulful
altair is a great character he just suffers from emotionless voice actor
the combat is fun, the missions are fun, the story is cool, the chases are fun.

This is a good take but that's another thing that kinda pissed me off, there's nothing stealth about this damn game. I thought this was gonna be like HItman or whatever. It was a huge disappointment.

>altair is a great character he just suffers from emotionless voice actor
It's the worst I've ever seen it's so bad. Everytime he was go into a memory or whatever it made me cringe when he talked.


Asscreed is based on Prince of Persia, you clearly went in with the wrong mindset projecting unto the game something it is not.