

Attached: Screenshot_20200822_183605.jpg (1080x744, 284.25K)

if he sucked himself up in the third panel he wouldn't be in the fourth one at all
the reason the goofy hat one worked is because it was the same hat being passed back and forth


Attached: waluigi.jpg (900x330, 114.9K)

Delete panel 1 and 4 and the comic would be better

I hate this floating eye art style

Again. Funnier if you cut out the mid panels. Why does this rule work every time.

Attached: Count v.png (1257x1777, 82.51K)

Attached: Untitled (2).jpg (1920x1080, 300.59K)

Attached: 1469113361672.jpg (900x319, 92.7K)
