>get 120hz monitor
>all the games I want to use it for are capped at 60fps anyways
Get 120hz monitor
Other urls found in this thread:
Skyrim is shit
there's probably mods for that
Why not just use 1/3 vsync and play at 40 frames than? You can max the graphics, probably get away with bumping the resolution up to 8k too.
lol I got a 155hz monitor yesterday. All I've been doing is moving the mouse back and forth and laughing.
>fell for the 120hz meme
>Install Wolfenstein: The New Order on steam
>It's 60 FPS capped
>Pirate Doom Eternal
>200+ fps
>not 144hz
never gonna make it, bucko
I'll bet OP is retarded enough to not know you have to actually enable the 120hz manually first in your display settings for games to get that extra hz
>have toaster
>Doom 2016
>most settings on medium, shadows and other expensive shit on low
>barely pulling 60 fps, dips into 40s during fights
>switch to Vulkan
>120+fps with everything in ultra, loses maybe 1-2fps during a fight
What is this black magic sorcery? How is the performance of the exact same hardware increased so much?