we need more vidya characters in skintight suits
We need more vidya characters in skintight suits
What if Samus farted?
This but only males from now on
Imagine the smell haha
No we don’t.
We need more well written vidya characters.
shut up yandere fag
A fart bubble would climb up her back all the way to her neck before being released.
Samus huffs her farts and she loves it.
It's essentially just regular naked girls but colorful with unseeable privates but for some reason it's always 10x hotter than if they were nude. Why is that?
That's some superb shading.
Because it's an informal acknowledgement that they're doing a lewd thing.
...and then putting them in skintight clothing?
The has to be more games that change up how your shit works when you get fat
yeah like how it gets clogged when you try to flush in deuce ex
Explain to me why sexualisation is a bad thing.
>more well written
no we need less of this, we need way less post grad faggots and their fucking """"writing"""", what we need is video games and samus is way more video games than TLOU
Samus is literally zero personality coomerbait
This image is no longer relevant after tlou2
>"Bad female character"
>lists a bunch of good things
i dont get it
Bodysuits suck. Bring back leotards. My wife Iroha has the right idea.
Juno fucking sucks. What a retarded setup, like any man fucking that fake ass bimbo Jennifer Hewitt would wanna cheat with some ugly ass half-gobo looking fuck like Ellegn Page or wetf her name is
remember that phase of putting fox mccloud in a zero suit
About the only good thing to come of that meme outfit.
Ummm, actually we need more women in skimpy loincloths
Agreed but only if the suits are so tight that you can clearly see the shape of their vaginas through it.
Hard agree