Say one really nice thing about pic related
Say one really nice thing about pic related
I like the box art.
I liked the reveal trailer
it's not dark souls 3
good cover art
It sold well enough to justify making DS3 which was great
Best cover armor in the franchise
comfiest hub Majula
Great use of poise.
Lovely variety of nice looking armor.
A couple of cool boss encounters.
A few instances of great level design.
Tonnes of freedom.
power stancing is cool and it had the absolute best poise system
cute firekeeper
bitch was cryptic as fuck
Powerstance. Seriously bring that shit back Fromsoft.
has a lot of content.
i like her shoes
its one of the best hack and slash games out there.
it reminds me how just how much better 1 and 3 are.
best DLC in the series
It was fun being summoned as a Sunbro and killing the host during a boss fight with Lifedrain Patch
... is she even a firekeeper?
Scholar remix mode was a lot of fun, if cheesy as fuck at points
Wish the other games had done that
Really gives you the feeling that you go on an adventure unlike DaS3
without it I wouldn't have 10 hours of entertainment to listen to in the form of hbomberguy getting spanked.
never even played a Souls game before lol
too bad everything else was half assed shit
it definitely tried. plus it's not like DS3 was that much better.
weren't a dissection videos, were more like an autopsy.
Uhhh... the menu music is pretty cool.
I was actually playing today. Started a new character and got to Heide's Ruin about level 25-ish. Fuck all those fucking giant knights and their bullshit tracking and infinite stamina.
Also fuck soul memory.
DS2 pretty much pioneered the modern souls game mechanically, regardless of the lack of polish and visual downgrade.
It figured out all the important core mechanics like 2 hit stuns in PvP, reasonable poise, riposte on guardbreak, parry frames not being instant but at the apex of the animation, good convenants that actually work, confimations on backstabs, infusions being separate from upgrade level, estus shards/bones dust, warping from the start, rolling in any direction while locked on, canceling gestures and canceling spells via roll.
DS3 is pretty much 80% DS2 mechanics wise, just no ADP, WM instead of SM and BB speed.
It had some good ideas but executed them poorly
best Dark Souls game
You just suck.
Those die in 4 hits to a broadsword and can't track for shit if you hold right next to them
Also they have a huge break after a 3 hit combo.
Great build variety
how does fromsoft keep making the best waifus
Better than DS3 because it's not a casual roll spamfest and mashing roll will get you killed vs even starter areas/bosses.
Better than DS1 because it doesn't go to shit after the half way mark, in fact the few levels that are shit like Earthen Peak are over in like 15-20 minutes if you're on a repeat playthrough.
objectively the best covenant and invasions in the series once you get past soul memery
Mirror Knight really deserved a convenant, the invasions were kino.
It Easily settles the debate for “worst souls game” and lets everyone spend valuable time doing more worthwhile things like trying to make the weakest hit in dark souls 3 a OHKO
I did what you wanted, now I get to talk shit about it
No red eye orb
Soul memory
Dumb ass “every weapon is a guaranteed 2h combo”
99 endurance gives you like, 3 consecutive rolls
Like 3/4 dump stats that you will level up on every character artificially bloating the required amount of grinding and thus extending “gameplay”
The most amount of dumb gimmic bosses (horse, guardian dragon, triple tank squad in DLC, etc. etc. )
Cancerous meta of “backstep through 4 attacks in a single backstep with 120 agi and spam katana running attacks and straight sword running attacks”
Weakest and worst magic in the series
Way too many weapons were just copy pastes with very tiny differences in length, if that
Single most embarrassing patch history of any fucking game ever released (parry walking, binoboosting, MLGS was buffable with CMW, hexes OHKOing players for 500 souls per cast, etc.)
Worst covenants
Uh, I can guarantee there are more but I can’t remember all of them, these were off the top of my head having not played the game in over a year and a half
seethin 3tard
>with 120 agi
you playan' PvP at 755 SL?
It has a lot of variety
Best pvp, builds, fashion, maiden, hub
Best youtube content, shoutout to Comrade Gunmad
Better than 3
>Weakest and worst magic in the series
Someone never played a mage/pyro/hexer on DS2, it shits all over DS3's mixmax build even on a low tier 20/20 int/faith character.
You can do eveything including most of the DLCs with 2 copies of Dark Orb and a 2 copies of Fire orb.
Great aesthetic, fantastic lore, variety of builds, amount of hexes, miracles, magic, pyromancies not found in other games. Some peak boss fights.
Lots of content. Once in a while ill play through it and it's chill as fuck now that I know the game well enough to work around it's flaws.
Forgot to add: Best intro cinematic
It was great fun.
Also the hub was beautiful.