SGDQ 2020

Finally, some proper fucking fromatting

Now: Pokemon Shield


Rocko's Quest:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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this better be the last thread im too lazy to keep moving

Who /comfy/ here?
I'm not

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Its me your fav johto pokemon

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Why does this short haired brown cutie Julia have so little art?

one FUCKING job


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>3+ more hours
No chance

Somebody fill me in on what's happened this year, I haven't watched any of the streams. I expect the rampant autism has not been cured.

Laugh at him

Attached: 1598052180318.webm (800x746, 447.67K)

fuck off!

>go to get beer
>get back
>still playing Pokemon
When's the next tranny run wtf?

But Heracross is my favourite Johto pokemon


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This is a speedrunning thread, all economics are to be left in the previous thread

One of my favorite more obscure GDQ moments was when a Sonic Advance runner went into the Chao Garden after the run was over and this chao name came up for a brief moment.

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Holy shit chocolate goddess

Doctors Without Borders :^)

Attached: Refugees welcome 4 NGO.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Oh damn that's what gym leaders look like now? Might have to jump back into Pokemon

>my favorite eceleb still hasn't finished his pokemon lets play
>don't want to spoil the ending for myself since lmao as if I'll ever fucking buy a switch
oh well, the finale will probably be shit anyway.

me, just ordered some food

>No (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
ONE JOB, you fucking cunt.

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Attached: mpc-hc64 2018-06-30 18-29-29-13.webm (1272x462, 2.94M)

Be honest is anyone enjoying this run right now.

what are we playing for these final hours lads? about to start a nossy run on vtmb

It's Gloria, where did you get Julia from?

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I've had a stupid joke stuck in my head since the Vice City run this morning, can I tell it to someone so my torment ends

>How do you spend your weekends?
>I like watching autists play pokemon shield for 5 hours

Attached: 2020-08-18 11_04_22-GamesDoneQuick - Twitch.jpg (468x399, 20.3K)


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I don't enjoy anything

dangerously good taste in this post.

That blonde tranny is fucking hot

I think he's talking about one of the female trainers in Nessa's gym.

Attached: Pokemon Nessa.png (1753x1069, 1.81M)

>savescumming in a console game

Nessa is my mommy

Attached: nessamommy.jpg (850x1224, 259.69K)

I wish IRL women could look as perfect as Nessa, and also that I could meet them and they'd fuck me. Too bad I'm late-20s now (Nessa and other peak females are 21)

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what food

Has the run been interesting at all? Last night's Pokemon was fucking amazing because Charetards got fucked up the ass so hard they were vomiting cum.

>want to play pokemon sword and shield
>no money to buy a switch

Attached: DxI4b0OWkAMTJ-V.jpg (539x477, 34.3K)

I hate to break it to you
2018 was the last year there were actual women

Attached: mpc-hc64 2018-06-27 23-43-02-12.webm (418x462, 1.06M)

i don't care

I'm not even watching it, I'm just here for the discussion while I grind Unite and Fight in GBF.

Ah, I did a quick google search beforehand and nothing turned up so I assumed they meant the MC.

just pirate a switch

Nessa (big)

Attached: d91e97e5ba11788c5e38205c03f3d88e.jpg (695x900, 284.47K)

like something sounding in the background - yes I do

>stop drink
>Get money
>buy switch

I'm not opposed to people helping others escape genocide conditions, am I supposed to be? Do you think if it was against the law for you to live, I should just let you die?

she pretty cute

Sorry meant everyones 4th favorite Johto pokemon is here

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Good shit
She's not black though right? She seems Pacific islander or just tan

french fries and a milkshake

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>GDQ Finale on a Saturday, prime time
>75k viewers
dead event?

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fuck off

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God dynamax is such a stupid mechanic. All this pomp and spectacle for an easy one-shot.

Goodnight, see you next year.

porn is free

doesnt sound like the kind of food I'd order but let it be

And the best girl is done.

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uh oh, looks like tranny janny woke up

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>having Mew as your favorite pokemon
what a fucking loser

>I'm not opposed to people helping others escape genocide conditions
Are you the same retard I talked to in the previous thread? They're not doing that, they're working with people smugglers to smuggle people from peaceful countries in Africa through Libya into Europe. Most of those people are not Libyan they are Nigerians, Ghanans, Ethipoian etc.
If you're gonna be for this shit at least educate yourself


see you in 3 days, king.

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this site is really silly sometimes, that's a nice pic honestly

tell me user

not done yet

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Doesn't matter, if the skin tone matches than the cosplay is legal