Fall guys

are you winning?

Attached: winning.jpg (541x778, 337.24K)

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Only trophies i need for the plat are level 40, win 5 matches in a row and buy 50 cosmetic items

I'm close lads

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You’ll never get 5 in a row.
Need 3 more wins for the P-Body set.

i have enough crowns for the p body but i'm not sure if i want gato robotto more. i don't know if i'll get enough crowns by the time it's on rotation. fuck

lost the tail game 4 times in a row

that one is 90% rng. i have like 15 wins and not a single one in royal fumble

>almost level 40
>only 11 wins
Are you fags playing on console or something? Or am I just shit/unlucky?

Attached: 1574194480481.jpg (512x384, 67.29K)

Yes i'm playing on PS4

Thumb sticks have better & more fluid movement than wasd

No. The game is simple as fuck, yet I am still awful at it.