Is Mother 3 better than Earthbound?

Is Mother 3 better than Earthbound?

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I played EarthBound almost to the end. I played Mother 3 up until slightly after you get Kumatora. Like EarthBound more.

If the Earthbound eshop sales are anything to go by they could have several million digital purchases if they translated the game already. Idk why they haven't bothered.

Gameplay Wise: Yes
Story Wise: Needed some polish

I like how much more upbeat Earthbound feels compared to Mother 3


It depends on what you want out of a game, if you want an open ended story where your imagination does a lot of work, EB > M3, if you want a more focused story and are into characters and their relationships, M3 > EB.

If there were some updated Earthbound game which gave some more dialog to the party members and had the music battle system I'd put it way higher than M3 though.

Earthbound's party members are suppose to be more open ended. You're suppose to imagine their dialogue and interactions.

has to be the drag queen fairies, i can't imagine any other reason they wouldn't milk this minimal effort cash cow

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I feel like in today's environment that'd be more accepted and not spark out outrage from soccer moms