.hack// games

As a newfag in the .hack// series (never played one before), I was thinking about starting with this one because I hear it's a good revenge story. Thoughts?

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bump nigga is this board dead? did the divide really kill it?

I never played it I'm just waiting to see what other nerds say too bro

You're fine to start with GU nothing really fucking happens in the OG games and GU sums up any actual events it had anywho.

That said I WOULD recommend at least playing Infection and Mutation first so you can be blown away at how vastly better designed and enjoyable the GU games are. The shift in quality is staggering when you've played the originals

There's a lot of GU I like, but at the end of the day I wasn't able to keep myself engaged with the combat. I might revisit it again someday but I'm not in a rush.

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of course not but 90% of this board is underaged retards. Of course they haven't played this.

That being said, you're fine to jump right into it. It can get repetitive, and it does show its age, but if you're okay with what ancient peoples thought future MMOs would be like you can really get some enjoyment out of it. There are many references to the original games, but nothing that will prevent you from understanding anything.

Atoli a fucking SHIT.

If you're not a fan of weeb games, don't get this. HEAVILY weeb in its story execution, and it feels really dated, but if you don't mind or don't care, or are a fan of the series, give it a shot.

The combat gets pretty fun as the game progresses. Theres a lot of completion Shinto do. I really liked the series when it came out but its gonna feel dated, they're ps2 games. The story is weeb shit. Its not faggy like SAO but still pretty fucking weeb

oh, I forgot to mention like 50% of this game is an Arena Simulator so be prepared

>Atoli a fucking SHIT
Still better than majority of girls. Though Yoko is obviously superior choice.