>TFW no new arkham game
TFW no new arkham game
Uh... dude?
You feeling alright?
Isnt that new Gotham Knights game a new one?
drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion
Meds, now.
Why would you even want one after Arkham Knight? It's a fucking terrible game.
Different universe
Boo fucking hoo
Bro chill out, it's just a video game.
I don't get it
boo fucking hoo that youre retarded
is batman cannonically a goth now?
This post is pretty based, ngl
crow/raven batman is in.
This is ur dick
I think Gotham Knights looks fine. Honestly. Sure it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but this game is clearly marketed at like 08-25 year olds.
They're going to change it to PG-13 last minute, just watch.
Why? Joker proved you can make an R-rated capeshit film and still have it be successful.
Batman has always worn blackface around his eyes to blend into his mask.
Can shit fucking end anymore?
it was clear by Arkham Knight that they were running out of gameplay ideas besides
Better to just end it rather than let it get pulverized through Ubisoft-level recycling since they couldn't even get an original story going either since the big mystery of who was Arkham Knight was obvious from the word go.
But honestly, that might just be the issue with the Batman brand. Gotta go back to Joker all the goddamn time. Maybe throw in another extremist foil for Batman like Red hood or Azrael.
Now you got shit like cause Warner Bros gotta get that money in the time of plague.
>Make Arkham City clone
>People shit on you
>Instead of improving upon your mistakes you go a completely different route
I didn't expect much from Canadians anyways