How much longer until technology progresses to the point where video game characters have the capacity to love us back?
How much longer until technology progresses to the point where video game characters have the capacity to love us back?
They already can, if you have a talented writer.
better ai
>Implying a sentient AI wouldn't reject you the same way real girls do
300 pounds of pusy ass thighs and belly
It'll be invented the year after you die, along with immortality pills.
of course it would
sounds about right
>all the future has to offer is cars that don't make cool noises, trying to live on a planet without breathable air, and being friendzoned by AI
Your lifetime + 1 year
do you really want apple to sell you some AI only programmed to love you?
they will get, EVERYTHING out of you
Never. AI can't love.
This. I could never accept a robot that was programmed to love me because I know it wouldn't be real. But I know that a fully sentient robot would never choose to love me. I have nothing to look forward to in the future.
What is like love?
lmaoing at you retards from the past 2031 user here gonna go fuck my AI waifu
>programmed to love
isn't that like parents though ?
2085 minimum
Why should you play by lifes rules? If real women were programmed to NOT love you then why not give nature the middle finger and program something that does? Rising above the limitations of nature and rewriting the rule book so YOU win instead is a far greater accomplishment than just being born with the right genes and real women automatically love you no matter what you do.
Huh what does it matter i'm gonna cum inside it whether it wants it or not.
>there are men itt so starved of love they will be genuinely contemplating how nice it would be to be loved by an AI
just make a robot that's designed to like people like you, and not just you yourself. now you can still feel like you got lucky even if it's out of a much smaller pool of individuals instead of feeling like you rigged the system
We live in a loveless age.
>just make a robot that's designed to like people like you
Oh good, then the robot will leave when she/it realizes they can do better. Brilliant.
motherfucker i have been thinking this since 2003 and i was a fucking kid by then i dont care about human love fuck humanity , i want robot love
i don't think i've had non-accidental physical contact with a woman in three years but i've honestly lost track. i just want something to cuddle that will cuddle me back and won't leave, man.
Enjoying your first day on Zig Forums?
just give it increasingly specific interests that match up with you until the only other person that meets those requirements is somehow worse than you
or just program it to be loyal to the first man that meets it's criteria, either or
At that point it's no different than just programming it to exclusively love you from the get-go.
That's the same as just outright programming it to love me. I'll know it'll only be with me because it was designed to, not because it chooses to.
you dont understand love, it's not a word a script can just give you.
then stop being a picky bitch and accept your fucking robowife already
I'm not that original guy.
How much time until detroit androids become real? I want to have an android wife so bad bros
then fuckin- oh there he is hold on
read then, you picky faggot shit
Can't win in real life, can't win in virtual reality. There's no point.
why was i born just to suffer
>born three or four generations too early for cute, personal robot servants
Why are we just here to suffer Zig Forums?
we're here because our parents were too retarded to use protection correctly, if at all
>sentient ai
lol nice meme anyway the robots they create won't be able to say no. the perfect system