Name a bad game you've actually bought

Name a bad game you've actually bought
Hard mode: You knew it was bad before you bought it.

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Conception 2

EA battlefront 1

The two Stronghold games after Crusader.

And I knew they were all shit.

Sonic 2006

Devil’s Third. Even better, I ended up loving it

Now why the fuck would I buy a game if I knew it was bad?

I just bought Frostpunk and it pisses me off how hard this game is on normal. People in this game are literally basedboys who die when they work in a cold and once they go to medical clinic they never fucking return to work.

Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End for the Wii

I knew it was going to be a cashgrab, but holy shit the wagglan was the lest responsible piece of shit ever, spent most of my time playing liar's dice.

Dragon Age II. I almost didn't but got FOMO'd by gamestop's signature edition. What a boring game.