Starsector Thread

Starsector Thread
Post your hammerhead builds

Attached: OverheatingNigger.png (108x164, 49.3K)

HVD, Mauler, Sabot or Salamanders, Xyphos Wing (Converted Hangar) and PD rest. But I usually run with Dual MG + Chaingun Brawler (LP) early on and I have to like to make the Hammerhead similar with Safety Overrides.

>hammerhead builds
Sell it and get a Sunder instead is the best build

Falcon (P): Reapers + Typhoon Reapers

>hammerhead builds
selling it to buy more drugs

behold the greatest ship ever conceived

Attached: GryphonShipIcon.png (160x245, 62.2K)

>threads start to pick up when an update seems soon
>find out it's months till update, threads peter out

its over

>field 1 paragon and the rest doom
>roll through any opposition
was fun for a bit

this ship seems really cool, but by jesus I never seem to make it work. even with Second Wave Options mod that changes vanilla ships' loadouts it's just a mediocre cruiser that only tickles the enemy ships, and dies quickly if you don't babysit it

The AI can't use it at all. In the hands of a player who can use its insane burst damage at the right times it is incredible and can take down capital ships solo.