Compared to the garbage that was Forces and Lost World, '06 wasn't so bad.
Compared to the garbage that was Forces and Lost World, '06 wasn't so bad
Lost World was pretty fun on the 3ds tbhq
Sonic 06 unironically was one of the Sonic games with more potential ever, it could have been SO fucking great, but Sega is Sega and had to rush shit
Agreed. Level design is actually really good, could've been the best Adventure-style game if they had just cleaned up the physics and handling.
Sonicfags are mentally ill
>you know that previous bad game wasn’t as bad as the newer bad game
Just stop
Most people haven't played that version unfortunately, but you're right.
>True statement!
>Lol, look how mentally ill you are!
Why is a comparison of two bad things to determine which is worse making you seethe so hard? I swear, the Sonic hatedom is 10x more autistic than the fandom they try to smear.
>'06 wasn't so bad
Yes, it was. You were too young to know better. Stop being nostalgic for pieces of shit.
This isn't revisionism. It's just saying it isn't as bad as the newer bad games.
>hes getting defensive over another true statement said by that user
If thats not side splitting irony I don't know what is
I can agree that the current games aren't good, but I won't pretend that '06 is somehow good by comparison.
Forces is much better than either game.
I do not know or care about forces or lost world, but saying '06 wasn't that bad is just stupid.
>this turd doesn't smell as bad as this other turd
100% chad here, '06 was fucking awful and the game is literally broken. It is fun to play with friends and beat levels that are so poorly designed they can sometimes be unbeatable, but it still is a genuinely awful game that ruined the Adventure formula.
Sonic 06 has literally the BEST ost of all time. I try REALLY hard to debunk this idea, but I can't and I am a video game ost junkie
In the mid-00s I often wondered what kids of that generation would one day be nostalgic for. Kid shit during that period was god-awful. Terrible cartoons, terrible toys, terrible games, everything.
I guess we know the answer now, Lol.
No, 06 is fundamentally terrible. Forces and Lost World are mediocre and boring, but nowhere near as bad as 06.
And that would be wrong.
no you fucking retard. the game barely fucking worked. the only thing sonic 06 had going for it was sonic's level design and the music. everything else was terrible. dont be a fucking retard. lost world was decent and forces was mediocre. sonic 06 was worse than bad.
Lost world wasn't decent. It's almost as bad as 06
>Awful, nonsensical controls
>Mostly shit level design
>Gimmick stages (Casino, Snowball, those weird ones where Sonic floats)
>Least interesting story in the series, written like a kid's cartoon.
And Forces isn't any better either
>Controls as badly as Lost World
>Godawful level design
>Cynically bad story, like it was trying to be like the Adventure games, but with none of the charm or soul
Sonic 06 was literally unplayable
Sonic 06 literally raped my childhood
you clearly have no idea how bad sonic 06. in fact, i dont think you ever fucking played it if you think anything can be compared to it
>controls were the most finnicky shit in the world. any degree of deviation on the stick will send you careening off a cliff
>the game would slow down to a crawl almost all the time
>you had to fucking fully stop in order to spin dash and the spin dash sucked
>the energy meter for sonic was literally broken leading to broken gem shit
>you couldnt move at all when you hit a boost pad
>the on rails sections were absolutely terrible with deaths being inevitable because you couldnt move while jumping
>if you got hit, youd most like die later because you couldnt move to get out of the way from the thing you hit
>the story was actual trash with a literaly non ironic kiss between human and animal for seemingly no reason
>terrible nonsensical time travel plot
>silver was a slow mess with an interesting but unutilized gimmick
>cutscenes show silver blasting off at the speed of sound but in game hes the slowest one
>shadow was a fucking mess gameplay wise
>enemies have health bars for no reason
>shadows "combat" is mashing the a button
>btw there is lag between homing jumps leading to stunted slow consecutive homing attacks
>the vehicles were terrible and worst part of it mandatory
fuck you, you moron. once again sonic's level design and the music were the only decent parts. let me say that again. the only "decent" parts. none of the game was good. the other games will never reach how bad 06 was.
Honestly, I think Sonic 06 is underrated. All 3d Sonic games are utter shit, maybe except for Generations, but 06 has LE EPIC STORY that is memorable (which is better than shit in Forces and LW) PLUS AND THAT IS VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT the soundtrack in 06 is INSANE 30/10.
I've 100%ed 06 actually, and I know it's bad.
I know all the problems you autistically listed as well.
Sonic 06 is badly made, but Lost World and Forces are (less) badly made, but fucking dull.
06's time travel plot all makes sense except for the blue emerald, you're a bit of a brainlet if you can't follow it.
it was worse
I'd play 06 again over Lost World or Forces any day, because at least its entertaining in its awfulness. Lost World and Forces are boring AND bad.
fuck no
wii u/pc version shits on it
>Best main theme in the franchise
>Best characterization for Shadow
>Top notch level design for the sonic stages
>The Definitive way to play Blaze
> Best Designed sonic
Project 06 will make this game what it was always supposed to be
I usually hear the opposite, especially with how long the levels are. Can you 2 elaborate on how it exceeds the console/PC version? Quite interested.
>Sonic hatedom is 10x more autistic than the fandom they try to smear.
if you have an example of sonic hatedom more autistic than chris-chan then I'd like to see it.
>people actually have positive nostalgia for STH 2006
I hope its shitposting but considering how far down the toilet this place has gone the conviction wouldn't surprise me.
Sonic Generations was the best sonic game to ever release.
Probably because all of the things that weren't 100% awful were ripped off from the original Sonic Adventure and poorly executed
>parent walks in on this cutscene
How do you explain this shit to anyone? A princess bringing back a cartoon hedgehog to life to fight some cosmic entity and using 7 gems to turn into a Goku ripoff?
Sonic controls a lot better. There's none of the weird directional speed that the HD version has. He's more responsive, and the movement just flows better.
The parkour is better too, it's what you'd have probably expected the Wii U/PC version to have been before you played it. It's easier to chain movement together, and it generally feels faster.
It's sort of hard to explain how superior the controls are without you playing both. Sonic just feels a lot stiffer in the console version.
The level design isn't great in both versions. There's a couple egregiously bad levels in the 3DS version (one where you need to ferry snowballs into holes to proceed, and one where you spend the whole time bouncing on clouds as Asteroid), but 3DS's levels feel less gimmicky as a whole.
>controls were the most finnicky shit in the world. any degree of deviation on the stick will send you careening off a cliff
The controls are extremely sensitive, but this allows for an extreme degree precision that most defenders consider a positive. Regardless, the controls won't send you "careening off a cliff" if you know what you're doing.
>you had to fucking fully stop in order to spin dash and the spin dash sucked
This nerf is consistant with how the spindash functioned in SA2, and there are still some exploits/shortcuts that can be found utilizing the spindash.
>the energy meter for sonic was literally broken leading to broken gem shit
Fair point, but playing with the gems is entirely optional. (And the extreme gem exploits can be fun to experiment with.)
>you couldnt move at all when you hit a boost pad
Yeah? That's how boostpads work, they give a sudden burst of speed at a specific velocity. Also, if you wanna harp on this as a flaw, lost world has 10,000X more boostpads than Sonic 2006.
>the on rails sections were absolutely terrible with deaths being inevitable because you couldnt move while jumping
Not being able to move while jumping does make the Mach Speed sections more difficult, but deaths are not inevitable (otherwise you couldn't get an S rank on any stage with a Mach Speed section). Git Gud.
>if you got hit, youd most like die later because you couldnt move to get out of the way from the thing you hit
t. Arin Hanson. Level design is mostly open like SA1's levels, and you get plenty of invincibility frames to get out of the way of whatever hit you.
>the story was actual trash with a literaly non ironic kiss between human and animal for seemingly no reason
The kiss is only weird from a meta standpoint, it's completely innocent within the context of the game, and the reason they kiss is because Elise has developed romantic feelings for Sonic after spending time with him. And I should hope they approach the story unironically. 1/2